Fix our Census - Do Not Allow Illegals to be Counted

We need to immediately fix how we report illegals on our census. Politicians have allowed illegals to come into their states and neighborhoods so that they can be counted and used for to receive additional resources AND for additional representation. This undercuts the citizen’s voice. NO resources, financial or otherwise, will be given to states that welcome illegals into their states, because they welcomed the illegal into their state. Census should be for legal citizens ONLY. This will also help us secure the vote and ensure that illegals are not using Tax payer dollars.

Illegals should no longer be allowed to vote in local elections. This should be a consistent across state boundaries.


Illegals are or should be transient and NOT part of a census. We have other means & technologies to record and/or track transient people in USA whether they are illegal invaders, migrants, or people working or visiting US for holidays or vacations. Illegals are invaders and criminals. They are not welcomed guests that have been vetted for entry or green card status. American CITIZENS come first!


Exactly, which is why they should not be a part of census, but they are. It’s crazy, but explains why the Democrats turn their cities into sanctuaries. The more people they have the more House representation they get, the more control they get. It’s gross.


It is no wonder states are willing to accept illegals with open arms. It increases their population and that gives them additional resources and additional representation. Illegal should not be counted on the census so that states don’t benefit by being a sanctuary state.

I don’t know how the census takers are going to be able to verify who are legal or not legal so there has to be a new procedure for taking a census. The census also needs to be taken more frequently than 10 years.


Well, legals have social security numbers, so it’s not hard to count the number of adults in each state… even without an official census. Their kids are on their taxes, so that’s easy to quantify as well. All one would have to create is a program to do the counting, because the SSN is already on the tax forms as well.

This would also eliminate the need to spend money on census at all… you could do it every month if you wanted to… it would keep people from doing census in multiple states since you can only file personal taxes in one state. You can file corporate or business taxes, but that doesn’t need to be counted.

Any temporary VISA holders have their own numbers and they won’t be included. Illegals don’t have SSN.

I think something that simple, with a few tweaks on security and other matters is the way to go.

People who don’t file taxes, would have to enter their information on their voter registration card, which would include their SSN and their number of children… or we could separate it from voting and do an extra electronic census form for the people who don’t do their taxes every year. They would have to enter their SSN to identify as a citizen… and they can do it right from their home. The people that don’t do it will need to realize they won’t be included in census and therefore the money for benefits and representation to their state will be diminished. The states will need to find ways to encourage those non-tax filing folks.

President elect Trump did try to get it on the census form to state if you are an illegal in his first term as President. That definitely needs to be added.
I am pushing for a federal voting ID number for citizens only similar to a social security number. There can be a space on the census form to enter this number.

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Legal immigrants who want to work can get SSN and are not citizens.

ONLY AMERICAN citizens should be counted in any census. THAT is the way to STOP TYRANNY of allowing illegals to determine seats in The House of REPRESENTATIVES. ONLY citizens should be represented!

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The below policy proposal regards broader census action requested…

Then they need a different number. That would need to be one of those things that need fixed. Give them another number that starts with W (work Visa, or? ) W22-433-1234.