Remove Illegal Aliens from Census and Require Citizenship on Census

Immediately remove any and all Illegal Aliens from the Census and require by law that Citizenship must be filled out on the form. Also make it illegal to count illegal aliens towards electorates to have states breaking the law steal electorates from states upholding the law. There also must be stiff penalties for those states not abiding by this law.


Could not agree more

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100%. If this requires a Constitutional Amendment according to the SCOTUS, so be it. Get clarification and move forward with whatever it takes- including calling an Article V Convention of the States. Also stop automatic naturalization and eliminate ‘anchor babies’.


Only counting citizens/legal residents would just end up being a detriment to both citizens and legal, tax paying, non-citizen residents. And…it would also require illegal immigrants to self-identify as illegal immigrants…which…doesn’t seem likely.

Census should count all, but differentiate between citizen and non citizen. Congressional districting should only be calculated by citizenry and not include non citizens. Knowing how many non citizens are in an area would be important though.