Remove Marijuana from Schedule 1

Remove marijuana from schedule 1 drug. This naturally sustainable crop should be the first medicine prescribed for conditions such as PTSD, anxiety, depression, seizures, and many others. There is ample evidence of the benefits of THC/CBD and again this is a naturally grown product that is fully sustainable and would solve many problems. Also, all those in jail for marijuana crimes should be pardoned and records expunged so we can begin to fix broken homes caused by unnecessary incarceration. Thank you RFK Jr for MAHA!


Returning Hemp to the cash crop market for Fiber, Bio-Fuel etc would also be a big win. We are fearfully susceptible to disasters with Mono-Culture farming of Corn, not to mention it is really a net loss crop w/out subsidies and “Butz” era government interventions.


I doubt this would happen before its legal on a federal level just for the fact that a schedule 1 drug is rated to have no theraputic factor, whereas a schedule 5 does. I think it needs to be federally legalized recreationally. And Im saying this as someone who doesnt even smoke or use any thc or cbd products. But there is great theraputic and medical benefits to natural, untainted marijuana.


It is not hard at all to personally cultivate enough to sustain 4 of the heaviest consumers in a very small area (4’x4’). If people formed and worked together on this there wouldn’t be a need for large scale cultivation for personal consumption. That would then eliminate strict government regulation and non-essential agencies. It would also free up focus from those much needed government agencies and redirect it where they will most benefit. Consequences for gross misuse as reported by the community if there are any could be handled locally. There is no reason to treat it like a poison same as alcohol or opiates. It is not toxic at any level. Therefore, American communities could decide what is best from them and keep all legality from complicating a flower🌸


100%, I am a 58 young female who chooses to use marijuana in place of harmful prescription big pharma crap!! Let’s be honest, the tyranny against hemp has run its course, and we the people have had ENOUGH! It needs to be federally, NOT by state FEDERALLY LEGAL! To pros and cons with marijuana and alcohol-yeah marijuana wins everytime! It helps with anxiety, regulates my blood pressure to normal (which I run high), and is the best anti-depressant I have ever seen. FUCK BIG PHARMA AND THEIR POISON. HEMP 100% federally legal!!