Cannabis Reform

Cannabis reform is overdue. The annual total addressable market for United States cannabis is $100,000,000,000. That’s One Hundred Billion dollars.

A majority of citizens have access to “recreational” and regulated cannabis via the States. A super majority of citizens have access to “medicinal” cannabis via the States. However, our Federal Government continues to hold cannabis down, keeping it a Schedule 1 drug.

Because it remains a Schedule 1 drug, cannabis employers cannot take basic tax deductions for payroll, etc. Cannabis employees cannot use their income to qualify for bank loans or federally backed mortgages. Cannabis employers cannot provide insurance for their employees because of the tax burden, etc.

This is a farce. Cannabis is not a Schedule 1 drug. Cannabis crystalizes the problems with our Fed. People are losing faith in our government for a reason – it is dishonest, if not corrupt.

Perhaps the most honest policy change that this administration can make is to give the people access to a regulated cannabis market. Capitalize Cannabis. Do the right thing for the American people. Open a new industry, get people off opiates, open minds, regain trust, let the botanists, engineers, and pharmacists work with the plant.

Signed – The Majority


If you can get the Federal Government to move cannabis to scheduled 3 or lower that would be okay. But cannabis needs to be treated like tobacco products in that it is banned from restaurants, most hotels, and other public areas. As a non-user, I find the smell to be nauseating.


I would like to add that cannabis reform bill should include the ability for people to grow their own on their own property.


They also need to remove cannabis from drug tests. Either that or restrict the test to only detectable if under the influence. Even though I qualify for medical use, my job wont allow for it because of the testing. What I do on my off time shouldn’t affect my job security if it is legal within my state.

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No synthetic

Cannabis needs several state protections and interstate commerce and rights to personal cultivate, federally.

Letting us cultivate outside is climate action without ever admitting climate chaos is real. It will also provide competition for pharmaceutical companies. States that have legalized see a decrease in narcotics and pain med scripts. But they see a drop in all medications across the board.

Oh and dispensaries were essential business during global lockdown. Something can’t be essential and criminal. It just can’t.