Deschedule Cannabis

Cannabis does not need to be a controlled substance. Changing it to Schedule 3 as is currently under review by the DEA does not go far enough. Cannabis has many medicinal applications, and is objectively safer than alcohol. Sending people to prison for cannabis needs to end, its a waste of taxpayer money. Instead, we should be treating cannabis in a similar way as alcohol and use the taxes generated from its sale to fund free or low cost community drug treatment centers to tackle drugs that cause much more serious problems such as fentanyl and methamphetamine that are currently flooding our nation.


I agree but cannabis has more than many medical applications. It is a medicine. Just because a side effect is being elevated it doesn’t mean it doesn’t help you sleep better, eat better, relax, etc. Medical uses are everything from ALS, Parkinsons, cancer, bone issues, asthma, etc. The list goes on. This is from one company which originated in Israel where most of the research has been done. Including NIH grants to Prof. Meshoulam