Remove immunity from pharma

This could be done simply be arguing in SCOUTS that like the law shielding gun manufactures from law suits was struck down. They opion (yes judges issue OPIONS not rulings. Only kings and queens issue rulings because they are the only ruler in said country. The words started being used to brain wash people into thinking once decided there it was over.) Basically SCOTUS said that NO law can be made to shield any cooperation from law suits on any ground. Our constution was all about NATRUAL LAW and 3 things made it not so. The dc act of 1871 the PERSON act passed by the crooked northren states during our Civil war and finally the Fraudulent 14th amendment. (never ratified by the states and article V that no state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate was violated by keeping out state senators from DC and exsplling others like the gentalman from NJ.)

BAD IDEA there should BE ZERO protections. think of it this way arguing vaccines are beneficial is like arguing we should still be spraying children with DDT because it was safe and effective?

That could be acceptable IF people were given information on which to make an informed decision. Has your doctor or health department ever gone over the risks and side effects for any vaccine you have had before they injected you? How would you monitor that the health provider has actually given the patient the information for making an informed decision?

This is something I think too many Americans are blissfully unaware of and it absolutely needs to be changed. For too long so many of us didn’t know we even had options when it came to vaccinations, we were never made aware of the risks or the dangers, and for those of us who have been injured- we spend our lives dealing with the consequences. 100% agree on this one.

(post deleted by author)

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Or if the immunity stays, then a law needs to be passed that vaccines can NEVER be mandated. No liability + govt mandated stable source of demand is a sweet heart deal/recipe for rampant irresponsible behavior that will not benefit the American people.

Could this be edited to proper diclosure fines and possible a black box warning for the first 5 or 10 years that this medication is new to the market and that side effects may be unknown.

All you folks who support this should also give a vote to “Call a Convention of the States to Limit the Scope, Power and Jurisdiction of the Federal Government”, because you can ALSO achieve the same goal through a Convention, plus other policies you might support! Why limit yourself to a single topic? It’s perfectly safe; nothing that passes out of the Convention can become law until three-fourths of the states ratify it, so anything too extreme will be doomed from the outset.

Remove all immunity from big pharma

Hi Jason, thank you for bringing this to light! It does surprise me that the comments below are fighting for other medical procedures to have medical protections when this US Code is specifically about vaccine-related injuries being not liable to damage. This US Code must ABSOLUTELY be abolished on vaccine manufactures in order to tighten up the testing and assurance of what products are provided to the market to be safe and effective. I support the Repeal 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act Public Law 99-660

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This would be nice in principle, but even most physicians haven’t read the package insert for the vaccines they give so can’t inform anyone else. And the parent or patient almost never has access to the insert. Childhood vaccines are required, with limited exemptions (or no exemptions in 5 states), in order to attend school - hardly a reasonable “choice.” And not a single one of the childhood vaccines (nor the COVID shots) has been tested for safety or effectiveness in a placebo-controlled trial (admitted in recent court proceedings). The full story is in Dr. Suzanne Humphries’ latest edition of her book “Dissolving Illusions.” Injuries are far more common than people believe, and getting worse.

Allow me to identify what is going on, the above aforementioned post is not including the following and it should be applied and enforced.

First IMMUNITY cannot be granted by any authority to anyone for this violates the constitutional right which is protected and identified as “redress of grievance”, where said grievance is the injury, and the redress is to seek remedy for this injury.

It can be transferred from the individual or medical board member to the corporate entity lawfully but cannot be denied. Since vaccine injuries are sometimes only identified much later, it stands also to reason that the tort claims, and other functions be extended 2 years past any time frame used to study those vaccines. So if a study pushes 4 year long study, the tort should last 6 years to file claim.

Now understand how this works.
First Amendment Analysis:
Redress of Grievances: This part of the First Amendment ensures that citizens have the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances. This means that individuals or groups can formally protest, complain to, or seek the assistance of the government without fear of punishment or retaliation.

18 U.S.C. § 241:
Conspiracy Against Rights: This statute makes it illegal for two or more persons to band together to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any citizen in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured by the Constitution or laws of the United States. The key here is conspiracy, which means an agreement to commit an unlawful act. This law could be invoked if individuals conspire to prevent someone from exercising their First Amendment right to petition for redress, or if they conspire to retaliate against someone for exercising this right.

18 U.S.C. § 242:
Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law: This law targets government officials or those acting under the guise of law (under color of law) who willfully subject any person to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the U.S. This statute directly addresses actions by government officials. If a government official retaliates against or obstructs a citizen for exercising their right to petition, this could potentially fall under this law.

Supremacy Clause: The U.S. Constitution, federal laws, and treaties are considered the supreme law of the land under Article VI, Clause 2. This means that while states can create their own laws, they cannot contravene or override federal laws or the Constitution. Thus, any state action or law that infringes upon the First Amendment rights or violates the protections offered by § 241 or § 242 would be unconstitutional.

“A Law repugnant to the Constitution is void.” With these words written by Chief Justice Marshall, the Supreme Court for the first time declared unconstitutional a law passed by Congress and signed by the President. Nothing stated in the Constitution gave the Court this specific power."


The pharmaceutical industry absolutely should be held accountable. No doubts about it. They have already done more harm to humanity than we understand and they knew they were doing harm.

Aman! Between pharma and processed foods they’re poisoning us, giving us disease, and killing us, slowly.

You do realize that our Govt thinks some people are too dumb to get a DL to vote, too dumb to use a computer, too dumb to learn in school BUT you think they should expect people to fully understand the possible side effects that are literally listed on every medication? People have been trained to view doctors as gods and medications as magic elixirs … I wasn’t but many believe it.
800,000 medical errors each year. Almost 400k deaths from medical errors and an additional 400k were severely and permanently disabled.
Yet the television plays drug ads non stop brainwashing people who feel bad or have something wrong because they are eating and drinking toxic foods and being injected with god only knows what to satisfy the greed in mankind.

Properly prescribed prescription drugs & Medical errors are the 3rd leading cause of death in America

I’d love to see this reversed and to see how quickly the negligently produced medicines are pulled from shelves. These companies know what they’re doing and it’s disgusting.

I don’t agree with removing ALL immunity for healthcare professionals. Of course, humans are fallible and make mistakes, and removing all immunity would dis-incentivize even good people from entering the industry and serving others. Mistakes made in good faith and clinicians not exhibiting a clear pattern of such mistakes should be protected by medical malpractice insurance. There is a balance!