Remove immunity from pharma

From Newsweek :
According to 42 U.S. Code § 300aa–22, “No vaccine manufacturer shall be liable in a civil action for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death associated with the administration of a vaccine after October 1, 1988, if the injury or death resulted from side effects that were unavoidable even though the vaccine was properly prepared and was accompanied by proper directions and warnings.”

In other words, companies that manufacture vaccines are not liable if someone has an allergic reaction or injury after being vaccinated.

It is absurd that pharma companies can reap record profits from their vaccines but face no consequences when there are problems


I’d expand this to the healthcare industry in general


No industry should be immune from hurting humans. Absolutely no one! We must go back to common sense govt and safety practices!


Imagine being a regular John Doe, producing something, and having zero responsibility for it.

In my state, it is illegal to sale raw milk because of the “risk in consuming raw milk”. A poor farmer or homesteader can’t even sale milk, yet pharmaceutical manufactures can not only sale medicine, but have zero accountability for the risks and outcomes it produces.


I understand and appreciate your perspective, and I agree in part. Accountability for injuries related to medications or vaccines is important. However, I also believe that if a potential side effect is properly disclosed, individuals are making an informed choice by taking that medication or vaccine, understanding the risks involved. Allowing lawsuits for every side effect, even those fully disclosed, could unfairly harm companies and limit access to beneficial treatments. In such cases, I believe legal action would need to be carefully considered. They should not have immunity, but they should have some protections.


Criminal conduct = JAIL


I feel like this would be better. Completely stripping the immunity and saying they should be liable for any bad side effects strikes me as a foolish idea because every single drug, even a pain killer, has side effects. Allowing law suits for every single side effect or allergic reaction would only result in the medical field becoming stagnant.

Alternatively, this bill should instead be amended so that it offers protections and does something about patients with things like allergies or specific diseases/disorders, etc. Also, emphasis on the properly prepared part. If there’s nothing in the act stating consequences if they aren’t, then add some in.


If vaccine’s were as “safe and effective” as claimed, they wouldn’t need immunity. I’d love to see how quickly companies pull vaccines from the market as soon as they are liable for damages.


Remove immunity from pharma​:+1::pray:


There is a new bill H.R.9828 - To amend the Public Health Service Act to end the liability shield for vaccine manufacturers, and for other purposes.
You can see it here:


I agree in spirit but the consequences of this would likely be pharma not investing in risky options.

They should be liable for “injury” but not for negative/ allergic reactions - especially if listed as a possible side effect…but if the medication injure people en masse, then they should answer for it.


This is a PRIORITY.


There is zero reason why medical institutions should be permitted to experiment on us without consequences.


I’d like to know why we have so many cases of autism. There are a couple of students in each elementary classroom displaying autistic-like behaviors, and this is something that has been more obvious in recent years. There have always been students who struggle in school, but seeing children unable to make eye contact, non-verbal, chewing on their clothes, eloping from the classroom, and/or flapping their arms is very concerning. People who spend time in school settings are very aware that something isn’t right.


Big pharma needs their vaccine immunity stripped away. They need to be held accountable for the murders they caused by the COVID vaccine!


This!!! If we want true reform then real measures need to be in place. Holding those responsible accountable. Set higher expectations and prosecute criminals according to the law.

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I agree with this. Once you remove the immunity, they will be more careful in pushing the jabs because it’s going to hurt their bottomline with the potential lawsuits.

Or maybe, just eliminate the vaccine mandates. Make things really voluntary. If someone wants to have the jab (and wasn’t forced to in any manner), that’s ok. He or she should be willing to accept the risk because that is his/her choice or decision.

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But they are not fully disclosed for vaccinations.

Absolutely! If a forced vaxx caused injury or death, they should be sued. By giving these mass corps immunity, it’s giving them the okay to do whatever they want and that includes poisoning populations. Remove immunity asap.