Remove immunity from pharma

I understand your point of view with choice, but like in the matter of the covid jab, people’s choice interfered with other people’s choice not to get it via shedding. It’s a sticky situation. If pharma can’t be held accountable, then who takes care of the injured that chose not to take the treatment? If it’s another medication that a patient accepts without the capacity to understand and has an adverse reaction that compromises their health, who is going to take care of them? I don’t agree with lawsuits for every side effect and think this subject is much more involved than people realize. Medical professionals that have been honest have been fighting this subject for years and no one listened to us. Big Pharma carries the weight of accountability for most injuries due to their influence.

I have long deplored this practice of allowing Pharma immunity for liability in their vaccines. There are too many, unnecessary shots being given to the public. Pharma rakes in mega bucks at our expense and has no accountability for harms done to the public.


This so badly needs to be done.

It used to be, if a small number of people died from a shot - how many was it? Someone will know - the manufacturers pulled the shot.

I worked with a man whose daughter was THE reason the DTP shot was changed to the DTaP. She became a quadriplegic after receiving the shot, and because it was the fault of the vaccine, the DTP shot was discontinued. About 7 or so people were injured by the shot, and she was the last one. (I’m probably getting the numbers here wrong, but she was definitely the last one injured. That I know. Feel free to correct me on the rest.)

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should be a no brainer. also, ban immunity from STATE organizations, like the freaking USPS!

People and companies must be held responsible for their actions, especially when there is such an economic connection. I feel that BIG PHARMA has far too much power over too many elected officials in Washington.


The question is who will determine injury? Doctors can be bought o threatened to say anything? The experts can be bought or threatened to say anything? Frivolous lawsuits are a thing. How about do away with man made meds entirely? No Big Pharma at all? Herbs, Spices and Whole Foods grown organically and non gmo. Stop spraying chemicals in the sky. Stop poisioning water supply.

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Make doctors liable for the drugs they prescribe, the shots they give. Pediatricians are monsters.

Children are forced to take these vaccines, dozens of time in the first years of life. They can’t consent.

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Hospitals and doctors included; hold them to their Hippocratic oath. Eliminate ALL taxpayer funding for hospitals or ‘care-providers’ who are promoting/providing evil ‘gender affirming care’ or killing unborn humans. Both are pure evil and our country will be held accountable in the end for promoting and allowing such evils.


Immunity corrupts.

Remove immunity from ALL private entities!

I absolutely agree, if you harm the American people you should be held accountable for your actions.

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I agree, buyer beware. But only after the full disclosure is signed and dated.

Must implement!

I know for now in Michigan you have the right to refuse that your child is vaccinated. In order for them to go to public school the parents have to take a class, not many know this.

Individuals should also have autonomy over their bodies and Insurance companies along with employers should not have the ability to deny services, opportunities and/or other options to individuals based off of something that they didn’t want to put into their bodies.
For instance, my father-in-law was denied pain medications in late stage leukemia by the VA because he didn’t take their “recommended radiation/chemo treatments”. As another example; employers that fired nurses, doctors and other staff members for not taking the jab.


Are you allowed to sell a vacuum cleaner with a warning: This product may burn your house down? The manufacturer is then protected against lawsuits?

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Again, my message was that lawfare would need to be carefully considered and they should not be protected from everything. However, a side effect of MANY drugs is death - there is no way for a manufacturer to predict every single effect that will happen to individual people, but they are warned prior to taking a drug and take it anyways. There needs to be some protections for them.

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I would just like to add that the drug companies are faced with law suits yet, the FDA that approved those very drugs and vaccines has zero repercussions. That doesn’t seem right to me. I feel they should have accountability in some form. It is our lives they are supposed to protect after all.

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The protection is the jury! No other protection should be offered.