Reduce crime by 85% with 3 strikes laws

A 2023 report from the Bureau of Justice Statistics shows that the number of prior arrests persons admitted to state prisons have before admissions is usually huge. By locking up 3-time offenders you dramatically reduce the number of crimes that occur.


3 strike policies of the past have been heavily abused. I think having stronger penalties for crimes, combined with serving a minimum of 90% of your sentence before being eligible for parole would be a more balanced plan.


You’ve got way too many people in jails already. It’s not helping. Rather figure out all that needs to be done to get much less criminality.

Haven’t already implemented versions of the 3-Strikes Law turned out poorly?

This, but only for white collar crime like dumping, embezzlement, or stock manipulation. If a CEO or company gets caught in the same act 3 times, they shouldn’t get a mere fine, we should break their toys. Most companies set aside huge amounts of money to pay off fines for stuff like environmental damage, simply because it’s often cheaper to do that than to actually obey environmental protection laws.


I think we should replace all public housing with rent checks (just like food stamps). We should sell the apartments to the residents for 1$ and give them no property taxes for a decade.
Public housing is a breeding ground for crime.
It will reduce crime dramatically.
A single mom shouldn’t have to raise the child in a drug infested building. With poor role models as father figures who are the ones selling the drugs in the hallways.
She should get a rent check to use where ever she wants in the country. She can choose a safe place. Of course protect people with such checks from discrimination from landlords

There should be a mandatory death penalty for habitual offenders.

This has been well proven to not be a one size fits all. There are people who it was over used on. Do some research if you haven’t heard about the problem.