Prison reform, separate into 3 lvs

Our prisons are overflowing, draing our tax dollars, and toughens the criminals not reform them. Separate justice into 3 categories.

● High lv crimes should result in puplic execution
-Treason, corruption, murder (including attemped but excluding self deffense and accidental), rape(incuding false accusers of rape), pedophiles, human trafficking. Crimes such as these should never be tolerated by society. Also those who manufacture and sell drugs should be labled in with murderers and should also receive death penalty

● violent offenders bring back coliseum and use their violent tendencies as a source of revenue which in turn can be used to fund the prisons for low lv crime.
-armed robbery, assult, abuse, kidnapping for ransom.
Throwing these ppl in the same cages as low lv criminals harm the reforming process. Let them be violent and profit from it.

● low lv crime is where prison has a chance of reforming criminals
-how ever remove televison, weights lifting and other such things. Instead prison should be used as a way to work off crime thru labor and provide education to give criminals better option than life of crime

And finally b4 implementing this strong reform, remove big gov overreach. Theres a lot of bogus laws that shouldnt exist and people in prison for petty things that should never result in being thrown in a cell.