Raise Social Security Disability According To Cost of Living

I am on Disability due to a terminal illness ALS. I live in California and receive far less than the cost of living in my County and State. Dignity for the disabled would be a cost of living payment equal 2/3 of local wages. Even better would be 2/3 of the last 5 years of your working life or minimum wage.


I do agree, that it needs to go up, for all of those who are below the minimum wage, I don’t even know what it is anymore, I am also on SSI and I just figured mine up, I am getting right around $10 an hours based, off a 8 hr of work. I don’t know there are a lot more getting less, I also know that they base it off of your work history and the wages you made there, that’s why some are getting more and others getting less, also the people who have never have been able to work due to there disability at birth.