Inflation has hit people on Social Security Disability Insurance very very hard. They cannot make over $1550 per month and that means less than $350 per week gross. Can you live on $350 per week after Biden? They need to have a cost of living increase in what they can make depending on where they live, rent in Austin Texas for a 1 Bedroom apt is $1200 monthly, that leaves them $350 for utilities, food, transportation, clothing, INCOME TAX, etc. They have been forgotten and their SSDI does not cover any reasonable expenses, They all live with their folks, and can’t ever get out on their own. There is no quality of life on SSDI, they only go to and from work, watch TV and wait to die. Please do something about this, most of them have some kind of job, but after 15 years at the same company, they get annual raises and now Social Security says that they make too much money working 15 hours a week and they will lose their SSDI unless they quit taking the annual raises. What the hell kind of nonsense is this? It takes $60,000 a year to live in Austin, and most other big cities. They are good people, they just can’t work and support themselves with this limitation on their income.
I’m 69 worked and paid taxes for 49 years. I retiired and was able to get my husbands benefits of $2010.00 this year with the big cola raise. Rent and utilities are expensive everywhere. I dont agreevjust SSDI should get an increase up to $4000.00 then those of us that paid into taxes our entire working life are entitled to the raise as well. Many of thos haven’t paid in to taxes nearly as much so why would they be entitled to more than anyone else. Thats not how it works and it will never pass. Social Security will start to demish those alive 2030 it could drop 17% years 2031-2034 it could drop 33%. We are in big trouble. The companies that got bailed out banks, car manufacturers you name it got money from our social security and not a one was demanded to pay that money back.
We’re all in trouble and tell your family not to retire enform people what is going to happen. I cant remember the mans full name Ed on youtube explains it all. He ran the 3rd largest social security office in the US and is very informative