Public Food Gardens

I would like to see a federal support program for designing and resource logistics that would be available to any in the United States.

This public food garden program would be to support food gardens that produce so much food, no one would ever have to worry about going hungry again.

Using regrow and permaculture, vertical farming, & aquaculture, only a small amount of land would be needed and provide food for a small town or neighborhood. this will also serve for education about growing food, and in addition will be an absolutely beautiful addition to any community.

These Public Gardens will need to be property tax and zoning protection for this land which makes it locally/publicly/community owned and maintained property in perpetuity.

To be maintained by the people, for the people, from the people.


This is a great idea .

Community gardens are a wonderful addition to any highly populated city. People who have tried this have not often been successful. Many people, not all, have become used to free prepared meals and don’t cook. I would definitely benefit and love fresh food personally. I have seen a lot of waste unfortunately with those that don’t want it at the food pantries. Maybe have school kids get credit for growing food to incentivize the families to want to use the food.

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I want to be a part of this!

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Me to!