I think we need better transparency and information when dealing with pharmaceuticals for our pets. Alot of people blindly trust their veterinarians just as we also blindly trust our doctors to treat us the best way possible. Big pharma has their dirty hands in everything these days and I think anyone prescribing medications should have some real training on said medications instead of getting all of their talking points from the pharmaceutical companies which are normally highly skewed. Since I have addressed pharmaceuticals I would also like to mention that our pets food is ultra processed crap, we are constantly lied to about what is in our pets food. We need better food practices for our pets, I do not want to feed my animals 4B meat, rendered meat, meat from euthanized zoo animals and so much more! We are constantly looked down upon by our vets when refuse flea medicines when there are more natural, safe ways to prevent flea and ticks. It is all poison to make our animals sick!
I agree. However, improvement of pet food should be a separate item from the medical.
I also believe that all pet vaccines should be optional with more information provided. Rabies is a rare occurrence. I believe it may even be being manufactured and spread intentionally.
I agree, im still figuring out how all this posting works! I agree with the rabies and other vaccinations for that matter. I think a titer would be a better option than just pumping alot of unnecessary toxins into our pets bodies but it is really hard when the vets look at you like you have lost your mind. We are misinformed about so many things!
I used to get titer tests for my last dog because I didn’t like having to get those shots every year. They test the blood to see if they’re needed. I also used Neem organic spray for fleas. You have to keep up with it, though. I don’t even know if they sell it anymore. I’m going to get a new puppy next year.
I’m trying to figure this site out too! Yes, it’s like when I would tell the dental hygienist I didn’t want fluoride. You would have thought we asked for their first borns.