Promote Agriculture Education

Start at the source of our nation’s future by educating our youth properly. Many Americans are not educated on where their food comes from and will believe any misleading statement the media portrays about our food and the farmers that provide it. Programs and clubs such as FFA and 4h teach valuable life skills and provide an essential role in educating future generations of agriculturists. Unfortunately the ability to participate in such opportunities is limited to rural areas, and that’s only if they have the funding and teachers or volunteers willing to lead the youth. Promoting the growth of these programs not only in rural areas, but suburban communities, and even large cities may bring a brighter outlook to the future of agriculture in America, or at minimum give the basic knowledge of the process that occurs from farm to plate, that too many American citizens lack. Agriculture education should not be a rare extracurricular. It should be intracurricular in every American school district.
Food Education United-States-Department-of-Agriculture