Preserving the sanctity of Citizenship

Thank you for this forum. There are literally hundreds of reforms the United States needs to survive and thrive. I will briefly talk about one of them here. I will submit a new topic for the other one.

It is a matter of national survival that the United States reforms and restores the sancity of US Citizenship. Currently, we hand out citizenship much too easily, too quickly and frivolously; we hand out benefits, privileges and rights of citizenship to people who are not Citizens; and the importance of Citizenship is not taught in schools, or enforced or reinforced by our governments.

We need reforms so that US Citizens are counted separately in the Census (identified separately from non-Citizen legal residents); where only Citizens are counted for purposes of official, Constitutional population of States, including for apportionment of Congressional seats and the Electoral College; and only US Citizens should vote in ANY American election (and prove Citizenship before registering to vote).

We should not grant Citizenship to anyone for a single reason, such as, serving in our military. (we shouldn’t even have non-Citizens in our military!) There should be a list of requirements to meet to become eligible to become a Citizen, not just one or two things. We need to clearly define what a “natural born Citizen” is, and, make that definition one that recognizes the supreme sanctity of Citizenship in a Constitutional Republic of States.