Insurance should be mandated to pay all postpartum care for mother and infants. Including: physical therapy for mothers(ex. Pelvic floor therapy.), mental health services including holistic treatments, full hormone panels for 4 years and treatment including holistic medicine, chiropractic visits for mothers and babies. This should be covered up to 4 years for mother and 2 yrs for baby.
Market issue, should not be a government thing. Less regulation, not more!
Ok we just banned abortions in certain states trumps pushing for a baby boom. postpartum psychosis exc… is on the rise what is the insensitive for women to carry a baby. There is none if women font get the help they deserve. Also what about trump saying he wants to mandate insurance to cover IVF…
we pay into our insurance they need to help provide us with proper care. We pay for them to cover our health care and they only cover what big pharma lets them. No holistic medicine hardly any physical therapy barley any chiropractic visits. But my friends 6yr olds adderall is covered no holistic alternatives provided nothing. They arent providing care they are pandering to big pharma and it needs to stop
Let your employer know that there is a need for the coverage you want. What health insurance covers is a negotiation between employers and the insurance company.
This does not require a legislative fix.