The Affordable Care Act - Obamacare/Justice Roberts care - requires DEPT of HEALTH and Human Services to monitor claims denials and provide info to the public BUT government officials coopted by the industry simply don’t bother. The risk of having our health insurance claims denied is roughly 10 times what it was a decade ago. THE ROTTED GOVERNMENT Obamacare IS THE PROBLEM and bought the insurance companies - FACISM. The rotted government is allowing claims denial to become a major profit center for insurers. Americans are not really insured if claims can be denied. ACA refuses to pay on average 17% of claims and the reason for this is … a black hole of silence. State regulators are no better and just as corrupt. Summarized from the article written by Betsy McCaughey, New York Post.
OBAMACARE has to be ENDED. Trump had almost done that until the TRAITOROUS LYING RAT McCain decided to stick it to Trump because Little Johnny’s ego was bruised and so McCain stuck his middle finger on the face of AMERICANS and VOTED to keep the monstrosity unlawful UNCONSTITUTIONAL corrupt lousy Obamacare.
The one thing that Obamacare fixed that I know off is insurance companies being able to deny payment / not cover pre-existing conditions which was brutal - I definitely don’t want insurance companies be able to revert to that.
The problem with the ACA is that it was more or less written by health insurances.
What HHS needs to do is review and analyze top ranking countries that get health insurance right and then adapt what’s best and not let health insurances write their own ticket.
Out of pocket deductibles are unheard of in some Western European country. Yes, they might pay 5 Euros (roughly 5 bucks) for one prescription but there is also a limit of how much your max is (and it’s definitely not hundreds or thousands of Euros).
I lived in Europe many moons ago and never saw a medical bill. I got statements for services rendered but the insurance covered all of it. No copay, no out of pocket.
As a retired expert in universal and single payer systems there is no doubt the ACA has and has had it’s share of problems. because it was designed totally ass backwards by people with zero experience. However denying claims does not relate to profitability. Totally unrelated. That said abolishing the ACA would be a huge mistake if the goal is a universal or single payer system, The ACA only works and only becomes “affordable” if EVERYBODY is in it which is easy to fix, However all the legislative issues necessary for a national system are already done within the ACA. Fixing it is far easier and faster than starting all over.
What President Trump has to do is get rid of OBAMACARE that is a disaster and a corruption and a fraud. GET the government out of our lives!
A National Health Care System is DISASTER. End Obamacare. SOCIALIZED medicine in DEATH. Just look at the countries that have it - HORRENDOUS. The federal government has NO CONSTITUTIONAL right to be in healthcare and Obamacare has destroyed our health care and our connections with our doctors and ruined many hospitals. THE ACA NEVER become affordable - NEVER and why should CONGRESS have GOLD HEALTHCARE and THE PEOPLE nothing…
THE ANSWER is to END OBAMACARE and start again and the next system has to have an end date in which people get private insurance and group insurance - Once government has socialized healthcare it controls EVERYTHING about a citizen and THAT is TYRANNY,
ACA was never law because it never originated in The House and so it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL of that and because Justice JOHN ROBERTS took power he does not CONSTITUTIONALLY have and rewrote the non-law and made his own law LAW! GET the government out of our lives and prices will fall and product excellence will rise because of COMPETITION. THE GOVERNMENT has no right to tell citizens who can and cannot have ANYTHING, much less medical care. CONGRESS has GOLD healthcare - imagine how much we THE TAX PAYERS have paid for NAZI NANZI PELOSI’S luxury non-essential “trip” to Europe and THEN PAID FOR THE CORRUPT fossil to have a HIP REPLACEMENT!!!
NANZI should pay for her own! WHO gives a damn about EUROPE. THIS IS the capitalist USA. Go back to EUROPE if that makes you happy and leave the REST of AMERICAN CITIZENS FREE.
ABSOLUTELY kill Obamacare. SOCIALIZED medicine is a death sentence. ACA never becomes “affordable” and we do not want GOVERNMENT to decide who lives, dies, has children, gets medicine, survives… GET THE ROTTED GOVERNMENT OUT of our lives. UNCONSTITUTIONAL government tyranny.
Government Healthcare by Tyrants is the reason we had the COVID Lockdowns, Vaccine Mandate, Forced Compliance.
Ann Marie
Please see my policy and link below. This policy will help healthcare in America.
They are defrauding the elderly for Healthcare they never get and come to collect the debt (their properties) from their survivors. You don’t want the government put a lean on your inheritance for 'health" services your relatives never got.
Have not yet been able to read and absorb all you have. written, but so appreciate the information, Scott. Hopefully, Obamacare can be ended soon.
By tippinsights Editorial Board • 17 Dec 2024
MIT economist Jonathan Gruber, the “Obamacare Architect,” said in an explosive video that the bill was cleverly written to cheat Congress - “to ensure that the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) did not score the Obamacare mandate as taxes. If the CBO scores the mandate as taxes, the bill dies.” Gruber went on to argue that “the lack of transparency was a huge political advantage.”
Had the public been educated about the actual architecture of Obamacare—that a vast pool of healthy people pays into it to subsidize an enormous array of mandated benefits, including mental health counseling, for a relatively few—the bill would never have passed. But President Obama, working closely with former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, bribed, cajoled, and even cheated to get the Affordable Care Act passed in 2010. The bribe happened when Obamacare benefits (premium subsidies, Medicaid expansion, cost-sharing reductions, and pre-existing conditions protections) were rolled out immediately - first to hook Americans into the program - with the costs (higher taxes, individual mandates, and employer mandates)) kicking in much later.
Fourteen years later, excessive government mandates to micromanage benefits have lowered competition among insurers, just like unrealistic mandates from the Dodd-Frank legislation after the 2008 financial crisis legitimized the creation of the “Too Big To Fail” banks. The five largest insurers - UnitedHealth, Kaiser Permanente, Anthem, Centene, and Humana - control 40% of the market.
Insurers dominate geographic regions by skillfully dividing up locations, and in some heavily populated areas, a single provider serves more than 50% of the market. The so-called “Healthcare Marketplace” is a joke. A family of two relatively healthy non-smokers on an Obamacare Bronze Plan can end up paying nearly $1,500 a month in premiums, with federal subsidies of almost $900 lowering the cost to the couple. But the entire $1,500 a month goes to the insurer. When it is time for the couple to claim benefits, they have to fulfill exorbitant deductibles amounting to $15,000 per annum. Plus, there are co-pays. In effect, insurers collect nearly $35,000 each year before paying out a single dollar in claims.
In 2023, UnitedHealth Group’s revenue grew to $371.6 billion, an increase of 14.6% from 2022. Full-year 2023 earnings from operations were $32.4 billion, an increase of 13.8%. Net earnings in 2023 increased to $22.3 billion, compared to $22.1 billion in 2022.
The Left engineered the creation of bureaucratic monopolies in the healthcare industry obsessed with regulating products and an addiction to deficit spending, throwing money away to keep the Obamacare boondoggle alive. The Left has no moral standing to protest high prices and poor service and denied claims for a vast majority of people - because they caused the problem.
Unfortunately, the “You break it, you pay for it,” store axiom doesn’t apply in America. The Left breaks it; all of America pays for it.
Insurance Co. Need to be legally able to sell policies in EVERY STATE! T o open up COMPETITION
Remember when ACA was to force everyone to have health insurance, and if they didn’t, were charged a penalty in addition to their taxes. Many couldn’t afford the insurance, or the penalty. Trump removed the forced ACA for future years, however he did not remove the previous years unpaid penalty tax. So now the IRS feels it is their responsibility to send yearly bills for unpaid Shared Responsibility tax from the years it was forced on the American people, with added interest!! Those who couldn’t afford it to begin with are being harassed to pay the past years penalty tax, along with interest. These unfair, unconstitutional, IRS Unpaid Shared Responsibility Payment Taxes must be removed permanently. Thank you. We are counting on the Trump Team!!
To be honest Ann Marie the ACA has nothing to do with private insurance or its’ costs. The ACA is group insurance. However it is a specialized group of mostly sick and therefore expensive people. There are few healthy people to offset the cost of the sick ones. The gov’t has no involvement in the ACA beyond using YOUR tax $'s to offset the high premiums of ACA members so it appears to cost less…TO THEM and only them and does nothing for anyone else, As you know private insurance cost 40% more than it should due to the negative effects of Medicare. The only way to fix things is to reform Medicare and that pathway is thru the ACA.