Pet Food Regulations

Pet food should be just as healthy and safe as human food should be.
Most pet “food” being legally sold currently has 0 nutritional value. In fact, it is actually causing more sickness and shorter lifespans.
These “foods” are being pushed by veterinary schools and big companies for money and not the well being of our pets, our babies.
Actual nutrition training should also be required for a veterinary degree.

Help us help our pets live longer healthier lives.


Definitely!!! They just came up with a whole series of cancer drugs for animals BECAUSE THEY WANT TO GET RICH ON ANIMALS CANCER NOW! They have put red, blue and yellow die in almost all animal foods-which all cause cancer! Dogs don’t die of old age anymore, they die bc of cancer more than anything else. The vaccines for dogs are also causing it, the entire veterinary system is just as compromised as our medical system—horrendous!


We need the best quality food for our pets! In 2021 I brought home a beautiful Irish Setter and also a wonderful spunky little Scottish Terrier. Within the first year on the best quality food I could buy at the pet store, they both were suffering with hair loss, brittle hair, poor skin. I went to a Rx pet food, at significantly more cost, for a full year. My Setter had 20% hair loss and the dryest skin. My Scotty began tearing out her hair and was bald and often bleeding. They spent months with vet visits, trying different remedies, wearing dog clothes (which I didn’t care for and also matted their hair because it was better than them pulling it out). A year and a day after the Rx dog food, I switched to ND (Italian brand) and Acana (grain free options). Within 2 months there was improvement in the health and my dogs. It has been 1-1/2 years on European brands, grain-free foods, and raw. America deserves to have higher standards in pet food and better food every American can afford and expect for their pets.


People have blindly trusted the pet food industry for too long and pets are living shorter lives with increased health issues. To have the industry held to the standard of safe and healthy is a issue I would very much like to see pursued. I started preparing my own pet food since what is on the market is overpriced junk food. Particularly the so called “prescription” foods .


I agree! All the ingredients in dog food is horrible and the vet clinics usually try to push you to feed your pet science diet etc, do some research and it’s terrible food.


Including vaccines/care - they’ve been injecting everything with the mRNA, and many of the vaccines destroy the health, and or kill.


Veterinary school should make it MADATORY to practice holistic care first. Laws in states mandating rabies shots every 3 years are poisoning our dogs. I spent $450 just to prove to my vet that my dog didn’t need another rabies shot! Most states do not recognize it- It should be waived by any titer PROVING antibodies are present and at the acceptable limits. Vets are full of BS! So are the ppl implementing these money-making laws!


I absolutely agree. Rabies shots are a huge part of the reason there is a spike in cancers in pets. It’s not just their food it’s also the vaccines.


I learned many years ago about the dangers of pet food, I have been feeding my pets a raw food diet for 25 years now

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Pet food regulations and quality control are absolutely necessary to get rid of the harmful preservatives (BHA, BHT, Propylene Glycol, and citric acid) as well as fillers (corn, corn gluten, soy, wheat, white rice, etc.) and meal by-products: beaks, feet, snouts, tails, underdeveloped eggs, tumors, intestines “with the best effort to remove feces.”

:arrow_upper_right:All this garbage has got to be taken out of our pets food; it’s giving them premature death through various cancers and causing other poor health related issues like lethargy, joint issues, hair loss, skin sensitivity, and depression, etc.

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I believe we have to do better for our loved pets. I had a boxer who just generally did not do well with dry kibble pet food. I didnt know any better really and then tried canned food. She would throw it up or have going issues. Have u smell dry kibble or canned pet food? So I started looking up making homemade dog food. I have made it ever since. She will be 13 next year. I use of course real people food, chop it small because dogs have shorter digestive tracts than people do and I want her to get all the nutrition out of she can. I try different foods so she has a few she does not like. As she has gotten older her diet has changed as her tolerances have changed as well. She had puppy shots but that was before I knew what was what with all that. So now she only gets a rabies every 3 years to be licensed and I hate doing that to her. The vets dont like it and try like crazy to get me to give her more vaccines… um NO WAY! Just like people food we need to get real food back into their diets. All these chemicals and fake stuff is just as bad for pets as it people. I am hoping that will get addressed as well when JFK jr. comes a calling.

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