There has been a huge concern about our food as humans and what we consume, but what about our pets and farm animals? So many of our pets are not living to their fullest extent due to polluted water, high chemical counts in food and even horrendous bi-products of leftover animal parts or even plastics from feed bags just being thrown in whole into the milling process. There was even a mill worker who exposed this in a video a few years back.
Since I was young, I have rescued animals off the streets and brought them back to health and I noticed in the past, they would live many many years. Within the past 10 years or so, I have lost so many to kidney failure, it is hard to fathom. Dogs and cats. Cats are more prone, but the dogs have shocked me more so. Cancer is up in animals as well as their human counterparts. Diabetes, heart disease and other human type ailments are plaguing the animal community as well. Pets are a huge part of our lives as citizens and they help our mental well-being as companions to so many. They are just as important as farm animals.
Farm animals are almost being fed trash due to the amount of fillers and plastics ground into their feed. The amount of unnecessary antibiotics to “keep them healthy” and steroids to plump their muscles for our consumption is making their lives miserable and their quality of life less. The chemicals put in their food not only makes them sick, but human consumption of those is ruining our health as well.
There has got to be a huge change in ALL food, not just human food. If the animals are unhealthy, the humans follow.