Hello. I simply ask that the same strict regulations that will be enforced by Robert Kennedy in the food industry, be applied towards the pet food industry.
This is a fantastic idea. There’s research that shows which brands are linked to heart disease in dogs and they’re still able to make and sell their food to pet owners.
Candy producers (Nestlé & Mars mega corporations) shouldn’t be allowed to create dog food especially “healthy” prescription/ specialty diet foods.
The majority of purina, hills, and royal canin are grain based (especially high in soy) and are not healthy for animal consumption. They sponsor vet text books and encourage fear shaming feeding raw diets. Dogs and cats are raw diets for centuries before the Industrial Revolution.
Wolves in the wild still don’t get cancer the way we see in our beloved canines.
When we (humans) eat corn, we can see it come out the same way it went in
Make corn diets illegal in pet food. No healthy dog/ cat food producers use corn wheat or soy. They give so little nutrients, and are simply cheap fillers. They break down parts of ingredients so that their ingredient panels look better. Purina for example, is a natural born liar when it comes to honestly listing weight of ingredients.
We need to keep Natural Flavors and yeast extracts out of pet food. They are both are MSG. There is no reason to have them in pet food. And the added vitamins need to not be junk as well.
Agree completely! The amount of cancer causing foods and treats on the market is astounding! Treats should stick to less than 5 ingredients, and should never contain ingredients that are toxic; even in small quantities, such as garlic and onions.
Pet food is included in the foods currently under the FDA hazard analysis and risk-based preventative control program that FDA inspected human food is under. 21 CFR 507.33 is the code of federal regulations on the topic