Abolish the Federal Reserve

Stop the scam of a private company printing money and loaning it to We The People. The Federal Reserve has enslaved the people of this country and steals their wealth through the hidden tax of inflation. This system also pairs the inflation with the ridiculously high rates of taxes we pay. Both steal from the people and together it cripples the future. It’s at a point where about 25% of all tax revenue is spent on interest payments in the theft (debt). Once the Federal Reserve is removed, allow the Treasury to create their own currency backed by gold and silver as specified in the constitution. The constitution states that we must not issue “Notes of Debt” which is exactly what the federal Reserve issues. The printed paper money used to say it was “redeemable on demand” either gold or silver. Now it just says “FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE” (of debt)



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The central banking system (Federal Reserve [FED]) is a system of debt. On day one of it’s creation, the US owed more than it borrowed from the FED due to interest on the loan. Therefore the debt can never be paid back, except with assets, until they run out, at which point the private owners of the FED will, quite literally, OWN EVERYTHING! As long as we have the FED, the debt can not be repaid. We can not have a balanced budget.

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Many people on this site advocate for ‘voting’ where their tax money is spent. Before the FED, the US government had to tax the people and sell bonds to fund programs and wars. If taxpayers didn’t want to fund a war or program, they could simply not buy bonds. The government could still wage a war or create a program, but they were limited by how much tax money they could allocate to it. With the creation of the FED, they no longer had to get the consent of the people, the government could simply borrow the money from the FED and spend it as they wish. This makes it impossible to have a system where people can vote on how the government spends their taxes.

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The FED is, quite literally, a fraudulent entity that steals from the people. It is a private corporation owned by a few billionaires (trillionaires?). It is not a publicly traded company, so you and I can not buy shares.

Since it was conceived and created fraudulently, it is not a valid entity, because a fraudulent contract (or a fraudulent law, I assume), can not be enforced if I understand the law correctly. This means that everything they have taken from us since 1914 is not actually theirs; it is ours.

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