Pathway to Citizenship for Undocumented Immigrants

Undocumented Immigrants that have lived in the US for a long period of time, that work hard and love the country should be able to become citizens. They came here and started families in search of the American dream, and they’ve proven themselves as upstanding hardworking people. This is not for any that have committed violent crimes, just for those that have been upstanding. People should not be exploited like these people are, working hard for low wages and living in fear because they are undocumented. They came here for a better life, and even though they made the mistake of coming in illegally, let’s give them grace and pardon and let them become citizens if they have proven themselves over time. This is for pre-existing undocumented immigrants, not for any new people coming in. Newcomers should go through the official process. This would be for the people that have already been here and shown that they are good people that work hard. Please, let’s make them citizens!

Let start by other countries have laws that require visa and time limits on those visas. USA has same laws for the security of the country. How do we know they love the country? Plus what do you tell the people who follow the law and are waiting? The way that this could work is for them to come forward and start the process and go back to their country. That would se the tone to get them fast tracked. But the effort has to be made on their part. We cannot play with our countries laws like musical chairs. I got across the border first so I get to stay.

Absolutely no!