Immigration/Path to Citizenship

Secure the border, mass deportation and a path to citizenship. There must be a way to secure the border and find a way to benefit the USA and our citizens while also creating an opportunity to people that are here that want to better this country and their own families. To be honest, if every illegal was immediately removed our economy would collapse and we would lose a lot of US workers. Here’s a policy. First (which is already going to happen I believe) close the border. Second, deport anyone that will not help the country move forward. Third, create a path to citizenship to benefit the United States.

Going forward, must first:

  1. Close the border
  2. Finish the Wall
  3. End “Catch & Release”
  4. Restore Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy
  5. Asylum seeking immigrants must stay in closest “safe” country
  6. Restore DNA testing for accompanied minors
  7. End federal funding for Sanctuary cities.
  8. Abolish birthright citizenship for children born to illegal migrant parents for the past 10 years and any current illegal migrant unless working to toward path to citizenship. *See path to citizenship below.
  9. Expedite removal of any unregistered or criminal illegal aliens

In order stay, “path to citizenship”:

  1. Must sign up/register for citizenship by (approx) 90 days after presidential introduction (by 3/31/25).

  2. Will be fully vetted. Exact country/city/town of origin, birthdate and & proper background check must be verified. If can not find proper background info, then deported. If wanted for a crime or convicted of a felony (within last 10 yrs), then deported. If served prison sentences in last 5 yrs, deported.

  3. Must have/apply for govt issued work visas. Must work while in the country, can not be unemployed for over 30 days or deportation for first 3 yrs in country unless raising a child 3yrs old or younger. Health exceptions can be acquired. Job programs will be available.

  4. Us History/immigration/civics test needed to pass within 1 year from citizenship application registration date.

  5. English classes will be available and can be funded by govt. Must pass English levels based on 5 yr assignment. *Need to develop rules.

  6. School & day care for children can be funded by government. If language barrier, see #5. Must take night (or alternative) classes if language barrier impedes current student body.

  7. If 18-40, Must enroll in military reserves for army/navy/coast guard/Air Force/etc for 1 yr minimum and become draft eligible if & when needed.

  8. Migrants must live in country for certain period of time, have stable income, and health insurance before they can bring family (who also must be properly vetted).

  • 18 months: Spouses, parents & children. Exceptions for minors.
  • 24 months: siblings & grandparents.
  • 36 months: aunts/uncles/nieces/nephews.
  • 48 months: 1st cousins
  1. No work permit for migrants in sectors that are filled with US citizens (unemployment under 3%).

  2. Migrants must pay for own health insurance or have a job that provides insurance.

These are regulations to be here until deemed a citizen:
Taxed at 50% years 1-5 (difference between US citizen regular tax amount & 50% will be “migrant tax”). *ie if US citizens on average pay 40% between Fed, State, SS, Medicare etc, then migrant tax is 10%
Migrant tax proceeds will go into cities/towns that the migrants live. Will also fund language classes, day care & education.

Taxed at 45% (total, no longer 50%) years 5-10

Regular tax rates 10 plus years

After 10 yrs, migrant eligible to become American citizen.

US government Benefits:
No unemployment available for years 1-3
1 month unemployment available years 4-6
2 months unemployment available years 7-10

Welfare unavailable for 10 yrs

Felony’s committed result to immediate deportation and handed over to court of home country with charges.
2 arrests (& convictions) result in immediate deportation

Crack down on all “under the table workers”
$1,000 payout leading to any undocumented worker. Cause for immediate deportation.

$5,000 penalty applied to any company hiring illegal employees not registered. Immediate fine if employee is being paid “under the table”. 2 weeks if still employed after found and alerted by payroll company.

Running for office:
Pass a law that only 3rd generation Americans (or lived in country for 30 years, whichever comes first) can run for office. Immigrants need to be fully assimilated before holding office.


Incorrect. The cost of illegal aliens far outweighs the benefits, to the tune of $151Billion per year. Deport.

The main purpose of bringing all these people here? Votes is just one detail - big picture is their existence in America - in conflict with following the law and entering illegally is that their existence, over time will collapse America’s infrastructure. Use of free medical resources bankrupt hospitals, taxing our schools - do you realize how many American students leave school to be home-schooled because teachers are spending exorbitant amounts of time teaching foreign children english? How is that fair to students born here? It’s not right… and for those who are legal, who arrive in America legally - who learn about American history, learn english, learn our laws, and COMMIT and PLEDGE to their new country versus those who walk across the border and expect free free free… and those who “get jobs” with illegal social security numbers - earn American dollars then turn around and Western Union their earning back to their home country… I know this for a fact afte living in LA for 15 years. Illegals are the first to tell you that they’re just here to earn a living and then retire with their families back in their home countries. Do you really want to gift those lawbreaking people, citizenship? No thank you.

Don’t get me started on the $357M US Government contract awarded to AMERICAN NGOs who are tasked BY THE US GOVT to TRAFFIC THOUSANDS of illegal alien children across the country. I’ve got the contract and will gladly share it with you for review. It’s disgusting. America is literally THE largest human trafficker in the world. It needs to END.

No. I do NOT support ANY path to citizenship for anyone who gained access to America in violation of established laws I don’t care what country they hail from OR the color of their skin. THEY NEED TO GO HOME. PERIOD.

Biden implemented “American Corps” program should be defunded, dismantled. And every NGO who received awards under this umbrella should be imprisoned.


Not sure you read the proposal. Did you only read the title?

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I concur with this assessment. I want to remind those following this issue:
Position Statement: We are a Nation of Laws no path to citizenship.

  1. Illegal aliens (not migrants) are here illegally, their first act was breaking our laws and entering the USA ILLEGALLY. They have zero rights, no Miranda rights, no rights to counsel, no rights for an attorney, no right to appear before a judge.

  2. The existing laws MUST be enforced to the fullest.

  3. The 14th amendment continues to be falsely sighted regarding children born to Illegal aliens, they are NOT citizens by birth…ever…

  4. Each Illegal Alien and their Entire entourage / families are to be deported immediately regardless of length of time in the USA ILLEGALLY (no exceptions).

  5. Once they have been deported, Those seeking asylum must process thru the system per our established laws and wait the 10 years just as my wife has done.

  6. All cartel presence with the USA / must be immediately neutralized / expunged ,not imprisoned in our already corrupt Bureau of Prisons (BOP), by whatever means is necessary with extreme prejudice and authorized lethal force.

  7. Any legal counseling activities of objection or resistance to deportations may not be funded by US tax payers or any entities directly or indirectly associated to George Soros or any USA NGO based shell corporations/entities. Any entity wishing to provide legal counsel to illegal aliens must base their legal objection processes from within and originate from and reside from within the nation of origin of those illegal aliens that they wish to defend and submit and process the proper documents according to existing USA immigration laws.

The sovereignty of the USA must be re-established regardless of the costs.


I love this idea. It offers a full pathway to citizenship without burdening the American People. I would just add that any immigrants who are using welfare programs for their children should not be eligible. Must also show tax returns proving that they are abiding to our laws!

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BTW with all due respect, the US Economy would NOT collapse that is another ridiculous myth spread by those that support a pathway to citizenship for those that are illegally here in full violation of US Immigration Laws and facilitated by Biden-Harris administration.

No Pathway to citizenship = apply from outside the USA
My sincere wish is to see mass deportation of every man,woman and child that are illegal aliens without exception. No to English classes, schooling, health care, work visas, and any benefits. it will take about 12 to 18 months (+an additional 6 months to complete) to get the Illegal Alien and their Entire entourage / families deported immediately regardless of length of time in the USA ILLEGALLY (no exceptions). they all must go.

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