Stop school taxes for people who do not have children or if they homeschool their children! We shouldn’t have to pay for services we do not use! Those of us who homeschool our children already cover all costs for our child’s education, we shouldn’t have to pay for school taxes on top of that.
Disagree. General populus education quality affects all of us- regardless of having our own kids. Education should be a collective/common concern.
Agreed. It would be disastrous for the United States, and the American people. We need an educated populous to have successful industry and a functioning society. Also an uneducated population would be easier to be controlled and manipulated by faith actors within the gov and/or corporations.
I do see the point of view from those who disagree on here but as a homeschooling parent myself this is beyond frustrating. We give thousands of dollars each year to our local school in taxes.
A school we feel our kids are not safe in and are not properly being given an education. In a sense we are taxed double as we must pay for our childs curriculum needs ourselves. I’m in favor of school choice and vouchers for homeschoolers not a tax cut to that degree. Education is very important for the future of our country but at the current standards our school system is failing.
I see your point as well and agree that our public education is failing and is sub-par to other developed countries, as well as the safety issue. I would agree to a tax deduction or credits for homeschooling expenses.