Tax Breaks For Homeschooling/alternative schooling families

Families who choose not to utilize the public school system should be entitled to certain tax breaks or funding that would be sent to their public school of attendance and rather directed to the family to use for curriculum and supply purchases and/or to pay private tutors or tuitions elsewhere.

I believe we should adopt an in-home and/or small group education model, and individualize education for each child in order to promote their own gown given talents and skills and transfer them into useful like skills. The education model should be life skills based FIRST and academic second.

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As a parent that homeschooled, I wholeheartedly agree. Bring usable knowledge back to children. Create community groups for socializing, debates, etc. Allows for possibility of having small hubs with a teacher which can then share ideas and teachings with other community hub.

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As a retired homeschool mom of three, who never spent a day of their lives in public school, I agree! If you don’t use the system, you shouldn’t have to pay into it.

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We homeschooled. Our children never set foot in a public school in this state. But when you grant specific privileges to homeschooling families, government is involved. It should not be involved in any way. If they do tax breaks, they will control homeschooling.

Shut down the public school system and end property tax. Fund school choice with 100% tax credits against state income taxes. Scholarships should be provided by a PRIVATE entity that receives these funds.

Yours is a band aid. Get at the real problem: property taxes. They’re unconstitutional and a violation of federal land patent laws. Enforce the federal laws!