No money for elections

Candidates for president should not collect money to be elected to office. All channels should have to do equal amounts of advertisement for each president They could write off the cost on their taxes
The same for travel, use of venues, day to day operations,
Take money out of elections to ensure the people here from both candidates equally to level the playing field between wealthy and not so wealthy candidates.
We wouldn’t have to hear from candidates begging for money or worry about misappropriation and use of funds. We also wouldn’t have to worry about the candidate getting into office owing anyone.
No question to candidates should be answered by anyone other than the candidate!


While I like the idea, I do not see it being feasible to remove all funds from the campaigns. I also think even having companies write off the expense as a tax benefit would cause the company to have a hold on the candidate. It is why we have an issue with the Supreme Court taking vacation with other people by using the other person’s yacht or plane.

I would like to see some common sense restrictions placed, though

  1. A limit on the amount of funds raised to something like $5 million or so for President, to $1 million for Senate and $500,000 for House of Representatives. This would help level the playing field, so its not just rich people that run.
  2. Money can only come from US citizens, but limited to $1000 per person no matter how much the person is worth.
  3. Removal PACs and SuperPACs. They are not citizens and have too much influence.
  4. The national party committees can not raise money for the candidates either.

I agree no questions to candidates should be answered by anyone other than the candidate.

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The US could copy the practice of other countries where all political candidates get equal amounts of money from the government to advertise for their election. This allows everybody to seek office, not just the rich.
This process would also eliminate the indebtedness to big donors that could influence a candidte’s political decisions after being elected.