Eliminate donations to political campaigns

It sure seems past due time to get rid of all the money in political races. Literally tens of billions of dollars are spent during political seasons for what?—to elect people who are supposed to be public servants. It has corrupted the idea of what America should be—government for the people and by the people. Abraham Lincoln (and others) saw it coming.

Suggested policy: in all political races, create a taxpayer-funded reserve that has an equal amount of money for each candidate in every race. Place a ceiling on the amount each candidate can spend based upon research of what it should reasonably take to run a campaign for that particular race. No spending outside of that fund is allowed for the race. No private groups or citizens are allowed to contribute to candidates (or causes) or spend money on advertising for candidates (or causes).

Now you have leveled the playing field and candidates are forced to actually run on ideas, record, merit and platform. Pay-to-play is eliminated. Corporations and the wealthy now have to use their ideas to influence lawmakers and not their money. The man on Main Street has the same voice as the man on Wall Street.

This would restore the role of elected officials to original intent: to represent the owners of the country, The People.

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Felony Attempt to Bribe a Public Employee : A new reform law needs to include: any contribution, personal or corporate, to a candidate or government employee is a Felony Attempt to Bribe a public employee, with appropriate punishments.