No income tax on over time, bonuses, tips, Social Security

I don’t believe there should be any income taxes but at the least we should never pay income taxes on overtime pay, bonuses, tips, and Social Security security income. This should include federal, state and local income tax


I was lucky enough to retire with a pension. I don’t think its fair that 85% of what Social Security I collect is taxed, on top of the taxes I pay on my pension. It’s like anybody lucky enough to have a pension or 401K when they retire gets penalized. I’m all for eliminating SS tax. Easy to do by eliminating the the ceiling on earnings while your working to stop paying SS taxes during to year. Most low and middle class workers never earn enough to qualify anyway. Its only available to high wage earners anyway.


Please add 2nd, 3rd, 4th, jobs to this. Many of us have had to pick up extra jobs to make ends meet in this horrible economy. I am a professor at a college and currently have four jobs. I may not make tips but I believe my work ethic of having more than one job should be rewarded by not being taxed on that income.


No Taxes On Soldiers income!


I don’t agree with medicaid and medicare being taken out of Social Security or those on Disability. Or when you get a COLA increase, your food stamps are decreased.


Also need to add paying overtime to salary employee whom work over 40 hours per week.

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I agree, eliminate Income Tax on tips, overtime and Social Security payments. This would eliminate a lot of admin for the worker and employer with respect to tips, provide an additional incentive to work overtime, and eliminate a shameful tax on SSA payments. This would give an immediate boost to low-income people that would go directly back into the economy as the individual sees fit, not the gov’t.


I agree with this. We have already paid taxes on the social security taxes when they withhold it from our pay checks. If they are needing the additional funding they should not have a limit that social security taxes stop at $163,000. Income Taxing a social security couple at $44,000 is ridiculous that is barely over the poverty level.


No income tax on Social Security, this should be an easy one for ALL to vote yes on, not just Republicans. For many, it would be an extra 150.00-200.00 a month. This could a first week accomplishment for the new administration. Eliminating taxes on overtime (why should someone be penalized for working hard) and tips, waitresses ,waiters, bartenders, bust their butts. The lost income to treasury could be made up by abolishing the stupid student loan forgiveness. From the please and Thank You department.


I agree. Eliminating the cap , maybe pushing it to 250,00* and as I said in my post abolish the stupid Student loan forgiveness should go along way to covering the lost revenue. Almost all politicians are so out of touch they have no idea what my fore mentioned 150.00-200.00 means. *I’ve never made 250.000 a year. 250,000 one time, right now and at 71, since we don’t live fancy, I’d be set for the rest of my life.

So no tax on social security, is really not going to benefit seniors that don’t work a job. So seniors struggling are still going to struggle.