Tax Reform

An entire overhaul of all taxes collected by the Federal Government.

  1. Abolish all inheritance tax.
  2. Abolish all capital gains taxes.
  3. Abolish all taxes imposed on retirement investments.
  4. Abolish current income tax codes and institute a flate tax rate on income of 14% period. The people should not have to hire a CPA to calculate their taxes. A flate 14% income tax simplifies this process.
  5. A flate rate on corporate income of 18%. Thr more money they have thr more they can invest in their company. This will result in more jobs.
  6. Due to #4 & #5, the IRS can be downsized by at least 85%.
  7. Set a standard tariff on all imports, excluding unprocessed foods, of 20%. This forces consumers to buy domestic items.

This is just a start. There are a lot of taxes that need to be abolished.

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Agreed, Americans used to able to build wealth over generations by passing on assets or selling them to family for a dollar- now the government prevents that, eliminating the people’s ability to enable next generations to benefit from the efforts of those before them.