In America we have way too many homeless pets. Our shelters are overrun and we simply can’t take care of them all. In my small town, 90% of cats that end up in shelters are euthanized. Dogs are slightly better, but it’s a horrible epidemic. We have too many people who let their animals breed litter after litter and never take accountability. They simply drop them off at the shelter to be put down and the cycle continues. For example, at our shelter there is a sign that any owner surrenders are euthanized immediately. Some of this stems from lack of education, but a lot of due to not having the financial stability to afford to fix the animals. It can range from 200-400 hundred or more depending on a case by case basis. If some people can barely afford food, they can’t afford to fix their pets. That however is a vicious cycle. The more animals we have, the less resources we have to help those in need. They are being dumped, killed, thrown out on corners to fend for themselves. I see at least twenty people everyday on social media trying to give away animals or else they go to the shelter. Our shelters and rescuers are drowning all over the United States and the animals are suffering because of it. We need a program to help more people get their pets fixed or to have repercussions on those that could do so, but choose to let them breed because “they like
Puppies and kittens.” Those people should be fined if they just let their animals have litters and dump them on the shelter to deal with. We have to wake up and move past these older theories of not fixing the animals. There’s no need for litters and senseless death.
My neighbor took my cats to the vet. They got spaded and vaccinated. Only 1 survived and it became retarded.
Cats don’t bother anybody yet squirrels and racoons do. Why don’t you neuter them? why don’t you vaccinate them? what is this obsession on neutering cats? I could possiblybunderstand dangerous dog breads but cats? no!
Also, sorry I did have to do a bit of research, but every year in the United States, 530,000 cats are euthanized in shelters. Cats can start reproducing as early as 4-5 months of age and statistically a cat will produce 40 kittens a year, which can start reproducing from a young age. It has nothing to do with cats being a problem. It has to do with the fact that there is no way one person as you suggested could fix and vaccinate every cat in America. That’s why people should take accountability as your neighbor did and do what is right and fix animals before they suffer! I hope you took care of every kitten your cats produced!
I’m not trying to be rude, but my mother worked in a vet for nineteen years and we own an animal care business. There is no logic that a cat became “retarded,” after being “spayed.” I honestly have never heard of that before and perhaps the animal was actually already having issues. Did they do bloodwork to determine the cat had no preexisting conditions? Also, why not spay and neuter cats? That does not make any sense. Is there enough homes to house and care for every cat in America? Do you not see homeless cats? If you read, 90% of the cats in my town are put down. Why would you not want to spay and neuter them to prevent senseless death? Stray cats live awful lives. The die from disease, are killed by other intact male cats. Did you know a male cat will kill a whole litter of kittens to make the female come back into heat so they can breed them again. It’s a terrible life for these animals. They have no vet care, no food, forced to fight to survive from not only wild animals but domesticated. There is no reason to not fix animals, unless you just think it’s okay for them to live like that and be put down and thrown in piles. Look up one picture of a shelter euthanasia day and I guarantee you might think differently. If you don’t, then please don’t get any pets!