Limit Policy Creation/Voting Structure Idea

Policy Creation Limit

I think you should be limited to creation of policies according to the level you have:

Level 1 - can only create 1 in any category through a tutorial type assisted UI forcing the @BotForThePeople to be triggered for the “license” tutorial. I kinda like how it is free will to advance let’s not ruin that flow.

Level 2 - Can have 10 *active posts per category

Level 3 - ?

*Secondary thought :thought_balloon: active/inactive policies

IE: You could add ability to toggle a policy on and off (basically archiving it and allowing you to create a new policy to be active)

Voting Structure :bulb:

Maybe allow “X” votes per category rather than “X” total votes across the board. To better equalize the vote to policy ratio. And stimulate activity in all categories more evenly.