Limit insurance companies

Insurance companies have become the thorn in the side of Americican citizens. Health insurance companies are now over riding a doctor in care of patients. They deny medications, treatments, testing, limit days in hospital, limit types and amounts of medical supplies that the insured can recieve. A insurance company should not be allowed to limit a doctor doing test or denying medications that are prescribed. A patient go to see a doctor, who knows thier patients and thier health issues. No insurance company should be allowed to alter or infringe or over ride a doctor on a patients treatment or testing. These people do not see the patients. They don’t know the patients health or family history.
Home insurance is a joke, people pay thousands of dollars a year to cover thier homes from any and all damage, but when you call in a claim they may pay a fraction. Then your rates go up. The insurance industry has become to much, all they do is collect money and majority of the time don’t pay for things that should be covered

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