With the intention of Americans who want to purchase property & build a single-dwelling house on it, or Americans who currently own or have a mortgage with a property & house:
All water, mineral, land & air rights be given back to property owners. No body of government, people, groups, private sector, or corporations can dictate or implement poisons or toxins that effect your aquifers, waters, land, air (ie: in the form of chem trails, or industrial run off), or impose created catastrophes that affect any land (such as created wildfires, HAARP weather manipulation, or DEWs).
County permitting requirements as pertaining to “how” property owners want to use or build on their own land are to be eradicated: with the caveat that land owners are solely responsible for keeping the land, air, & water clean on their own properties (so as to prevent harming their neighbors & surrounding properties). Land owners are also responsible for all safety standards in building, land erosion, water runoff, & all other common-sense safety & impact concerns.
All permitting fees are to be eradicated. All EPA restrictions on Property Owners are to be eradicated (especially Water Rights). *this is to give the rights back to the land owner & eradicate the current strict, & anti-common-sense “green policies”, & expensive, senseless environmental- required studies that are currently in place in many counties to obtain building & land-use permits & tax classifications. (Ie: you are not permitted to build in a specific location on your land if there is a mud puddle that formed during a rain storm, which the county has now classified as a “pond”, & you have to pay tens of thousands of dollars to get environmental studies done, as well as pay for expensive & specific fencing material to fence yourself out of large areas of your own land for “stormwater drainage”). These restrictions make it very costly for people to do anything on their own land, as well as line the pockets of useless county permitters & tax assesors…& they are the opposite of common sense.
Corporations, mining, government groups & other large-impact organizations are not included.