Restore our Property Rights! Less Regulations on Rural Land - Help the Housing Problem

The Government has regulated the American People to the point to where their land is no longer their land. They require permits for fencing, for repairs, for sheds, and in some communities, house color and lawn choices. The Government should not be this big.

Rural homes that have at least 1 acre and are at least 30 feet from the fence of their neighbors can have additional structures on their property with no permit, minus any septic or waste management. Structures must be at least 30 ft from their neighbor’s property. These structures can be rented as apartments, be for storage, used however they choose because it is their property after all. Once the property is fully paid for, the property taxes will end. There is no reason to continue to pay taxes on something that is paid for in full. This will also encourage people to pay off their debts and free up the banks for additional lending to others.

If people do not want to live in a free neighborhood where their neighbors can build a shed without the Government’s permission, they are welcome to move to a city where there are regulations due to people living on top of one another.


Sounds good to me!


I am out of votes, so adding my support in the comments.

I 100% agree! We need to deregulate our housing for homes already bought and owned by individuals. Property rights must be upheld in this country and even enshrined as an amendment in our constitution. If I own the land and home, no one should have the right to tell me what I can and can’t do with my property.

I disagree on doing this with homes owned and bought by companies, landlords, or builders for the following reasons.

  1. We need national new home construction standards. The saying, “they don’t build them like they used to” is so true. We all have seen the devastation natural disasters have on our communities. New homes need to be built to withstand those dangers. This new technology, we can build homes to withstand bugs, rodents, flood waters, fire, and category 5 storms for cheaper than a wood construction home this needs to be standard across the US.
  2. Landlords need to provide a safe home for their renters. We need to set national standards on home safety requirements for landlords to ensure those renting have a safe environment to live. No more slumlords!
  3. Homes bought by a business must adhere to the same regulations as landlords and new construction homes. We need to go back to incentivizing I individual home ownership not having the market bought up by investors.

I think those are good suggestions, could also add protection for Landlords as well. The squatters are getting out of hand. If someone does not pay or squats, a poor landlord can’t always carry the mortgage, rental payment and utilities for a tenant. Sometimes they even lose their business or home due to it. Too many renters are abusing the eviction laws. I knew one guy that lived rent free in an condo for 6 mos. This has put small landlords out of business.

I agree businesses have to have some accountabilities. Individuals need to be left alone. Big government is bad government. lol


I agree mam. Let’s go.