Let American citizens who own property, have full possession of their property; mineral rights, water, and natural resources. Once your property is paid for, no more property taxes.
New taxes can be assigned for upkeep of utilities, and roads leading to your property. However, if we buy it, it should be ours!
The government should not be allowed to take, or seize any part of your property, even if endangered, spiders, owls, or other animals, plants, or gases are on it. An over reaching, greedy government should not infringe upon it’s citizens rights to OWN property.
A person should be able to get exemption from property tax on his homestead, whether it is paid for or not, but ESPECIALLY if it is paid for. Summa Corp v. California, 466 U.S. 198 (1984), and Leo Sheep Company v. US, 440 U.S. 668 (1979), both establish that if there is no wording in the original patent granting a power over land, it doesn’t exist. Both decisions were 8-0. No land patent grants authority to any government to tax the property. When people don’t pay the taxes, in some jurisdictions they lose everything, and big bankers get it all. This is a violation of the eminent domain provision in the Constitution. Property taxes are destroying my savings, which have to last me the rest of my life. Social Security is not enough. Seniors especially should be exempt. They don’t have children in the schools. Pay for essential government services through luxury sales tax. Things like roads, police and courts. Most of what is spent isn’t for constitutional purposes either. And fire departments and utilities can be privatized. Property taxes VIOLATE FEDERAL LAW. Each patent is a LAW passed by Congress and signed by the President. A land patent underlies every privately owned parcel in the country. ENFORCE THE FEDERAL LAND PATENT LAWS.
I agree with this, so many people worked hard to pay off their homes and they paid all their taxes at that time so they can enjoy retirement then to to find out they don’t make enough to keep paying the property tax and it keeps going up every year. You just can’t on a fix income so they lose their home. We already been paying on it for 30 years we shouldn’t have to anymore.
And you can’t own land or mineral rights to property you no longer own!
All land and mineral rights stay with the property and belong to the owner of the property.