Inflation Relief through income taxes

We, the people, have endured alot, as far as inflation, especially the lower middle class, who make too much for government assistance, but not enough to live on. Considering weve given billions to illegal immigrants, and wars that we have no business being in. Im not necessarily asking for a handout, although i would feel completely justified if i did.
My proposal is a bill that would allow us to keep all of our taxes that weve paid into this year, as a means of inflation relief. Honestly, something like this would get me right back on track as long as the inflation starts coming down under the new administration. If youd like to offer it to anyone making below 100k per year, or whatever number would be decided, as long as the low and middle class are included. Considering the majority of the tax money comes from the top 1 percent, the government would still get theres, and the people that really need it would be addressed. It would do alot toward surging the America First movement, and everyone would benefit.