Politicians should be limited to the median wage in the state they reside. And shouldn’t leave the state except to fly direct to Washington DC and back. Any income earned outside of their profession should be taxed at 90% at the end of their term in office, if we can’t stop insider trading, it should at the very least benefit the people more than politicians.
This, coupled with term limits, I’d recommend, 8 years in congress, 12 in the senate/vice president and 8 as a president. Ensuring no more than 30 years total federal political service. Would ensure the healthy recycling of political entities and limiting lobbying and corruption, keeping representatives representing the people and not corporate entities.
I would think this would encourage politicians to insider trade to use funding to invest in corporations and then funneling the money back into the country.
Imagine if Nancy Pelosis portfolio, would pay to help the survivors of natural disasters.