Immigration Reform - refugees

I would like to see immigration reform. I feel like the Republican Party could demonstrate more compassion for refugees and we should make a clear path to citizenship that is less than 10 years. We should also look at a set rate of refugees and have laws into place by legislators that the refugee population would not exceed a certain percentage of the town they are joining. As a country, it shouldn’t be a question on if we deport someone when they commit a crime. If there is an assault or any kind of felony, we should be deporting those people. By jailing criminals that are immigrants, it is a drain on our resources and creates conflict with the American people and immigrants. There are many hardworking refugees that want to make a better life for themselves and we should be able to integrate them into American life without sacrificing the lives of the American people.

Hi Kendra, you have some great ideas. I agree with all but the path to citizenship statement. Having gone through immigration with our neighbor to the north, I think 8 - 10 years in-country is a great ‘sifter’ - that serves to identify those who are truly serious about obtaining citizenship and living here in the US. Nothing should be easy or automatic. I particularly think the idea % of immigrants in small towns should be managed not to exceed a % of native-born persons is a good idea.

Some other thoughts:

  1. Those who crossed illegally (in any immigration category) should be deported. Cartels and coyotes are no substitution for US Immigration requirements. If they broke the law to come here - they have to be deported or we will have continuing issues with immigration.
  2. EVERYONE born out of the US should have landing papers whether on a Visa or a Permanent Resident, Asylum/Refugee, or naturalized citizen. If you don’t have papers, you’re not allowed entry or are deported if found in-country, regardless of committing any crime or not.
  3. Driver’s licenses should be coded for your immigration status if not a naturalized citizen and NOT given to anyone without papers (they are being deported).
  4. Entrance and landed status should only be for those who have employment and are deemed a benefit to the country. Merit-based standards are typical in the world.
  5. If you cannot be formally vetted in advance, before travel to the border; entrance is disallowed. (Say NO to gangs).
  6. Anyone emigrating to the US should be required pass an English language test or commit to learning English. Refugee/Asylum seekers who are required to learn English and have reasonable literacy-based proficiency in 5 years or are deported.
  7. Tax-based assistance is very limited. Refugees/Asylum seekers get assistance on a limited basis without ability to extend. This encourages learning the language, working, and assimilating.