IMMIGRATION: ILLEGAL ENTRY permanent forfeiture of citizenship, also the issue of 'the dreamers', defensible by law and the American spirit, and MATTER OF LEGAL APPLICATIONS FOR CITIZENSHIP

*MUST disincentivize politicians from diminishing the essence and value of citizenship (always a 1:1 ratio) for their own power and motives by courting and enticing non-citizens to violate citizens with the promise of actual or possible citizenship in the future
*Illegal entry is a crime against each citizen as an individual and should not be able to be waved legally by any politician, law, or court
*There should be a law that anyone illegally entering the USA forfeits the right to citizenship permanently
*“Dreamers” can be considered a separate population as minor children present during a crime committed by their parents or other adults that are not considered perpetrators or accomplices of the crime. As such, this opens a legal door especially for children that know no other country as home, to have an eventual path to citizenship. If the previous legal provision is instated (‘a person entering illegally cannot become a citizen’, then a dreamer who votes would not have the ability to wave that in the future on behalf of another relative that did enter illegally, which would take some of the tension out of the current situation).
*The American people are a gracious people. Once the above two issues are resolved, I believe creative ways to address those already here illegally (example: green cards/work visas, permanent residences without the protections of citizens and ability to revoke residency in the event of criminal activity criminal activity).
*REGARDING LEGAL APPLICTIONS FOR CITIZENSHIP: Once a person has met all of the criteria for citizenship, working continuously, integrating into community for some period of time, taking a citizenship class and test, as well as signing a document acknowledging that they recognize the rights of their children, relatives, and fellow citizens …meaning recognizing that regardless of self-declared religious conscience, that their relatives and grown children, must be allowed decisions of conscience as well and that allows leaving their religion of origin for another religion or no religion at all without fear of physical repercussions or physical restraint.

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