Illinois Childcare Provider's Receives $4.22 Per hour

Im an educator as a group home childcare provider in Chicago IL, I have a Master Degree in Non-profit management and currently seeking to pursue a Ph.D in education.

In Illinois providers receives $4.22 per hour which is only $(44.88) divide by a 10 hour shift. Here in Illinois, License group & home only receives between $47.96 -$40.65 per day for a childcare service from (6am -6pm) which is only $4.70- $4.0 per hour.

Illinois is an hourly state to put providers in position to pay an assistant $18.00per hour and we as educated providers don’t even receive a fair share is unfair. IDHS needs to partner with a payroll/tax company, so our checks can receive tax deductions from our checks. Instead of providers paying a big lump some at the end of the year. This requirement is unfair to providers when typically grants are nontaxable.

Retirement Plan for providers :
There is no retirement plan for Illinois Providers. No policy has been put in place for IL, providers or providers accross America.

Assistant Receiving Equal Pay:
Qualified assistants deserves to be paid more then minimum wage. Now IL providers have a grant for assistants once funds run out. What financial strategies do daycare owners have to keep paying their employees?

We need better policies wrap around childcare providers. Home/ group providers are usually open from 6am to 12 midnight and receives the least funding.

To receive $47-50 per day for a Infant, toddler, and school age children between 10-12 hours a day is a burdens for the professional career of providers.

Tax system.
Providers need taxes taking out or a system that helps providers with having to pay and outstanding balance at the end of the year to the IRS.

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