Enact HR 25 the fair tax. This is the most simple and comprehensive way for us to reform our tax system. The legislation has been active for over 25 years and already has support from a large number of states.
Each year this legislation goes to Congress, but never makes it from committee. It is extremely simple and would have extreme growth result.
In summary, it abolishes the IRS, and converts all taxation to non-income based. Specifically national consumption tax. We would never want to have a VAT and Income mix system like Europe that has consumption and income taxes. But implementation of this legislation along with President Trump’s tariff plan may be an even better solution.
This solution bring us back to the constitution where the federal government raising revenue as it was supposed to be. Not on the back of the people and their productivity, but on the back of society consumption as a whole.
Tax on Income in any form is always slavery , if the tax is on income, it is always oppressive and it is always slavery. We have a set set of constitutional obligations that the government delivers unto its people, they should not be standing next to us every time we earn a dollar to collect their share. It turns us into feudal farm tenants dutifly paying their owner every time they produce another bushel of corn. No tax should ever be on income. It should be abolished, and we should write another amendment preventing its return.
We should make our number one goal removing tax on income from everywhere.
Not only does it free up the citizens to unlimited potential without the government stepping in to take their share, but it also ends all of the class warfare that has been dominating the the messages of the left, paralyzes people with envy and greed instead of understanding the most fair way is not based on how much income someone makes, but how much we spend. The text of the legislation describes a very simple inherently fair system in which the rich pay more taxes because they spend more, and the poor pay less taxes because they spend less. There’s nothing for political parties to used to put us against each other. In fact, in the plan, the poor are completely unburdened by any tax underneath the poverty level.
This policy doesn’t have to be detailed anymore than it is already detailed in HR 25. It needs the support of the Congress and of these committees along with the president to take us to a whole new level of prosperity.