Hold Covid Conspirators Accountable

Hold accountable every individual, group, organization, ngo, business, lawmaker, government department, military, medical staff or any other person directly involved in the sale, distribution, procurement, censorship, coercion, administration, of the Covid vaccines that killed and injured so many as well as the medical maltreatment of the public. Anyone including the highest office holders should be held accountable for their actions. Masks we knew from day one were bs and were used as compliance devises and medical theatre like muzzles. Complete media censorship as well as coordinated pressuring and coercion from the media and government should also be addressed and our ability to speak freely should be protected. To put it simply the fake plandemic and everything that occurred must be meticulously scrutinized and the truth be made widely and openly available to the public including all medical, social, and governmental aspects. For the most part people who are watching this closely already know a good portion of what is being kept from us. It’s time to come clean and make things right. You want us to be enthusiastic about the positive changes to come in this new administration but I cannot see how we can have any faith in our institutions or politicians if we gloss over this world wide scam and all the harms that came from it putting an immense strain on civil society. The social contract has been broken. It is up to you all to mend it. Or continue to live your lies and expect no good faith in return.


I believe that truth and justice are coming. More and more people are waking up to the facts that our own government was trying to kill us. Was it Mark Twain who said “It is easier to fool someone than to convince him he has been fooled?” It’s a hard pill to swallow. However, in Jan 2017, the USA, Inc., was given back to We the People, and it has been a Continuity of Government (COG) ever since. Merry Chistmas!


“Hold accountable” could be met by having each individual in the categories named given a chance to admit their part in this scheme and ask for forgiveness. They would not have to fear the loss of their job but their declaration would be made public. A required part of their declaration would be to state what they learned about this horrific crime they were part of AND agree to never be part of something like this again.

Thanks to the work of Katherine Watts, we have learned about the complete protection using laws and Acts (PREP and CARE) of all these perps so it’s folly to think the courts or employers will be interested in holding them “accountable”. Better to give them a chance to confess and ask forgiveness.

This is an absolute must do. I am sorry that Americans were so easily swayed. We need to do more than hold these murderers accountable. We need to help people do REAL research…and listen to more good music. John Prine, Spanish Pipedream “Turn off the TV, grow a little garden, eat a lotta peaches, try to find Jesus on your own.” https://youtu.be/OLSGLOLsuTo?si=nE16CMPe-mDdc7PB


Please, let’s also revoke the often-self-granted immunity from being sued from everyone involved, including the Sovereign immunity of the government in general on this topic. Especially the big drug companies. Else there’s not a lot we can do except see some people get fired and rehired somewhere else, shuffled around to make us think something actually got accomplished.

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Unfortunately, since this has occurred at the level that it has, killing millions and injuring many millions more for life, it is way past jail time or fines.

These are massive Crimes Against Humanity that will be read and talked about in future world history 10,000 years from now. Embrace the scope of this event in its true light.

As such, the punishment must fit the crime, so that there will be justice felt by those who read this history, 10,000 years from now.

World Military Tribunals akin to Nazi genocide participation trials will be the only event that will properly bring this unforgettable horrific event in World History to a proper close. The punishments must be harsh; they must be publicly unforgettable; and they must be swift and indiscriminately applied to all who knowingly and willingly condoned and participated in the murder of millions across this planet. Amen.


Check out these:

  1. The Pharmaceutical Accountability and Transparency Act (PATA)
  2. Truth and Reconciliation Commission
  3. How We Identify Mis-Steps in Evaluating Pandemic Incidence and Develop CAPA’s
  4. Merge Covid-19 vaccine injury compensation
  5. Make Vaccine Mandates Illegal

Ugh i wish i had more votes. Hopefully we get the policy advancement going so your policies can shine.

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We must force the corrupt German government to release Reiner Fuellmich immediately and bring international prosecution for crimes against humanity to all of the criminals that conspired to jail him.

How many votes are well allowed?

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I don’t know exactly, but you get more votes the more active you are, and the higher of a trust level your profile has.