Government Employee Compensation & Benefit Reform

Proposal for Government Employee and Elected Official Compensation Reform

Whereas, it is essential that government compensation and benefits be in line with equivalent free-market, non-government positions to ensure the responsible use of taxpayer dollars;

Whereas, the government is funded by the people, and thus, has a duty to ensure that compensation for government employees and elected officials is reasonable and reflective of market standards;

Whereas, the growing weight of unfunded liabilities in government benefits threatens the financial future of the very taxpayers who shoulder the burden, and this practice must be addressed to ensure sustainability;

Whereas, it is imperative that elected officials and government employees are held to the same rules, laws, and regulations that are imposed on American citizens to foster trust, accountability, and fairness in government;

Whereas, government employees and elected officials are public servants and work for the people and as such the compensation and benefits need to be based on what the taxpayers that contribute to the government are compensated and the taxpayers benefits;

Be it resolved that:

Government Compensation and Benefits

a. Salaries, benefits, and retirement packages for government employees and elected officials shall be reviewed and adjusted to reflect compensation of comparable positions in the private sector. Compensation and benefits for government employees shall not be bargained or voted but represent the labor market rates.

b. A thorough, independent market analysis shall be conducted to ensure that government positions are compensated in line with their private-sector counterparts in terms of duties, responsibilities, and qualifications.

c. Any disproportionate compensation found shall be corrected by aligning government pay with fair market standards or reducing excess benefits.

Elimination of Unfunded Liabilities

a. The practice of allowing unfunded liabilities in government benefits, including pensions and retirement packages, shall be abolished.

b. All benefits promised to government employees and elected officials must be fully funded at the time they are granted. No future benefits shall be awarded without clear, upfront funding, ensuring that today’s promises do not become tomorrow’s burdens on taxpayers.

c. Any existing unfunded liabilities shall be addressed with a clear, responsible plan for immediate funding or reform to prevent financial strain on the public.

Fiscal Responsibility

a. The use of taxpayer funds shall be cautious, and any excessive pay or benefits packages that place undue pressure on the tax base will be prohibited.

b. Government benefits, including healthcare and retirement, shall mirror those found in the private sector, ensuring fairness and long-term financial sustainability.

Equal Application of Laws and Regulations

a. No government employee or elected official shall exempt themselves from any laws, regulations, or mandates that apply to private citizens. This includes but is not limited to healthcare requirements, tax laws, and labor regulations.

b. Any existing exemptions previously granted to government employees or elected officials from laws that apply to American citizens shall be immediately repealed.

Transparency and Accountability

a. Government employee and elected official compensation, including salaries, benefits, and retirement packages, shall be publicly disclosed, allowing taxpayers to clearly see how their money is being allocated.

b. All laws, regulations, and rules governing government employees and elected officials shall be subject to public review to ensure parity with private citizens.

Review and Adjustment Mechanism

a. A regular review shall be conducted every 3 to 5 years to ensure that government compensation and benefits remain in alignment with the private sector and continue to reflect prudent standards.

b. An independent commission shall be established to oversee these reviews and recommend changes as necessary to maintain equity in government compensation.

Enforcement and Penalties

Any violation of this resolution, including the acceptance of unfunded liabilities, or attempts to exempt government employees or elected officials from laws, shall result in penalties, including fines, dismissal from public service, or disqualification from future office.

Effective Date

This proposal shall take effect immediately upon passage and shall apply to all current and future government employees and elected officials.