Give Farmers Back Their Land, Give People Back Their Health

Farmers and homesteaders hold the answers to so many of the issues plaguing America. From health, food security, soil degradation, “carbon emissions”, and fuel consumption…even the safety within our schools.

By lifting the restrictions and regulations holding back small farms and homesteads, they can get back to providing local and nutritious food to their communities once again. This includes dairy, meat, and egg producers, as well as home kitchens’ small batch cooked and canned goods. This will allow us to know where our food comes from and that we’re making healthy choices for our families. Let’s decriminalize food and support small farms and homesteads. Allow the black market egg dealers to legitimize their businesses without fear.

We should turn our focus from subsidizing mono-crop agriculture of corn and soy to subsidizing crop diversity. This will cut back the need to haul crops across country or to be imported from across seas. It will also cut back on the need for large scale factory production and packaging. This, in turn, will cut back on our emissions and fuel consumption, while also moving us away from the processed food industry.

Let’s focus on fixing our soil. Provide funding for education opportunities for farmers and homesteaders on sustainable, regenerative farming, soil conservation, and land management, while also allowing them freedom of choice. Give farmers incentive and help them with the necessary resources to save their land.

Healthy soil is the key to our health and to a healthy planet. It can help reduce the risk of desertification of our Great Plains. Healthy soil stores carbon and feeds the plants and organisms that rely on it. It will rebuild our digestive health, correct our vitamin and mineral deficiencies, our mental health and decrease our reliance on Big Pharma. Cancer rates, obesity, and chronic disease go down, fertility rates go up, Americans become happy, strong and productive once again.

Eliminating the destructive chemicals in our food will decrease adolescent depression and anxiety, thereby, reducing the number of young people prescribed mental health drugs. School/mass shootings will decrease if not disappear.

Use of antidepressants and antipsychotics in adolescents and young adults has skyrocketed in the last 30 years and so have mass shootings. It’s widely known (but rarely discussed) they can cause adverse effects on mood in young people.

Speaking of Big Pharma, they need to give farmers back their seeds. No more lawsuits, no more intimidation.

They monopolize the seeds. They manufacture the poison that’s sprayed on the crops that make us sick and destroy our soil, and then they sell us the drugs to keep us alive because they’ve made us sick.

There are grassroots organizations and farmers all across the country with a wealth of knowledge on how to move away from pesticides and synthetic fertilizers. They’re just waiting for people to wake up and listen.

And while we’re at it, let’s teach our children how to grow and preserve their own food, animal husbandry, and self reliance. If we eliminate standardized testing there will be more time for extra curricular learning. Do you remember Home Economics or Future Farmers of America? Let’s teach them the skills that have been lost to the last 4 generations.


I AGREE 100%. When reading this post, i could’ve sworn I had written it! I love the idea of growing for our local community. Regenerative farms would help carbon capture naturally and replenish our nutrient depleted soils once again. If we don’t make this important farming practice change now, our health will continue to decline. We gotta do this for our children and grandchildren!!


I agree wholeheartedly but this is also a big issue at the state level. Many states are confiscating or suing small farms for their holistic/organic practices and even trying to ban citizens from having their own home grown gardens. No government should penalize it’s citizens from taking their own food security in their own hands whether growing their own or patronizing small family owned farms. Quit saying you have our health and safety in hand when you know it’s not.


Agreed! It absolutely starts local. But awareness at any and all levels is the first step.

I live in Pennsylvania and have seen how the state bullies our Amish communities while our governor autographs Ukraine’s munitions. It’s disgusting.



I agree that giving small farmers more control over their land and encouraging local, sustainable agriculture is essential for improving public health and food security. One way to enhance this idea is by offering financial incentives and support to farmers transitioning to regenerative practices that promote soil health and biodiversity. Additionally, strengthening local food networks through community-supported agriculture (CSA) programs and farmers’ markets can create a direct link between consumers and farmers, boosting both health outcomes and local economies. This approach empowers both farmers and consumers.


Absolutely! Thank you for contributing. This is how great ideas come to life. I wish our politicians could figure that out🙄lol.

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Speaking from a family dairy farm perspective, financial incentives to make large capital investments of alternative energy generation equipment, no-till and fuel efficient farming equipment, bottling and cheese making equipment, cold storage, etc. (including friendlier owner/operator licensing fees and regs from most government agencies) would do much to quickly stimulate regenerative farming on small farms across the US. We are in desperate times right now with low mailbox milk prices and high costs for fuel and labor (not to mention feed costs, which are relatively low at this point, but have been historically high for decades as well). Just my two cents…


This is spot on and should have many more votes . I think maybe try a different title see if it catches.


This is great and I agree, but we HAVE to ban these GMO crops and chemicals! If we don’t flat out ban them, organic real food will continue to be contaminated until it no longer exists! There won’t be anything that is not poisonous!

Farmers here in our state arial spray, contaminate and kill EVERYTHING that is not GMO! It takes 3 YEARS for land to be certified organic after it is has been used to grow GMO crops and/or tests positive for prohibited substances! THREE YEARS!!! Who can afford to leave land sitting for that long? This is an urgent matter! This has to end!


Other countries have banned all gmo products. As a small homesteader, we grow only heirloom food. We raise our own chickens and keep bees. These are simple life skills that should be optional to everyone. We need restrictions and red tape lifted off our farmers who grow and produce for all. The cost of farming and homesteading supplies needs to be reduced as well. Feed and seed have doubled under the current administration. The current administration via price rape discourages agriculture.


Thank you! I thought the same thing. I’ll update as soon as I think of a good one.

This is a crucial step to Americans thriving again. Like many others have already said, I would add incentivizing farmers and homesteaders of any kind, no matter how small with grants and tax breaks.


This is a big one! My wife and I have been saving to start a homestead. Land is so expensive. Some states incentivize by not collecting property tax for FARMERS. We need to help fund small local farmers. Federal funds should be available to help start more organic farming. Just require some educational programs on sustainable farming to qualify. I would quit my job and farm full time.


I’m saving to start a small organic farm too and you’re right, unless you’re buying land in the middle of the desert, it’s very expensive. Plus the costs for a well and other supplies. Federal funding to help people like us would be a game changer! I hope you and your wife are able to make your dreams come true soon!!

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I started a petition for all working farms in NYS to have right to farm policy and it’s gaining momentum fast. Small organic farms are often trapped in cities with no RTF so land developers use city resources to constantly use city laws to shut us down in the ordinary practice of farming. NYS lost 2800 farms , 364,000 acres of farmland in the past 5 years. Land developers buy up our farms for cheap when we go out of business. We need RTF protections! Let us farm!