Regenerative Farming Initiative

Create incentives for farmers to convert their farms into regenerative, organic farms. Offer tax breaks and free consultants. Appoint Will Harris to direct this effort. Employ at least 1 regenerative farming expert per state to provide assistance to farmers. This may fall under the EPA or the Department of Agriculture.

For tax breaks, offer different tiers of achievement on farm for different levels of tax breaks.

Offer educational opportunities for inner city and disadvantaged communities to learn more about this farming practice. Provide grants to schools wanting to educate kids and bring them on field trips.


Excellent policy supporting the shift ot Regnerative Agriculture


Imagine if every farm was regenerative with no pesticides/glyphosates!!! I’m all for that


I would just add Biodynamic.

I am 72, a former cattle ranch manager (25 years), who grew up an Iowa farm boy, and I now reside in Texas. I believe controlled, intensive grazing of ruminants can be the savior of the planet…from a climate perspective…even if I’m not sold on the “climate change” agenda. Not only can ranchers stock greater numbers of livestock, they will also quickly rebuild nutrient depleted soil and literally pull tons of CO2 from the atmosphere to sequester carbon into the soil. This is the same process by which the deep, fertile soils of the Great Plains were built by the constantly moving, massive herds of buffalo. This is simply another version of regenerative farming using livestock to improve fertility rather than chemical means. But most farmers/ranchers are unaware of this concept. I believe actual training is required and should be made available perhaps through Land Grant Colleges and via the Extension Service. And, while we’re at it, let’s get those same colleges out from under the thumb of “Big Agriculture!”