We need to give back these farms to our local farmers. Stand behind them and make legislation that will support them over these corporations. This will insure better crops for us to eat, help climate change because these corporations are stripping our soil. And will put the control and money back to the people.
These corporations are poisoning us with GMO crops ontop of the pesticides they use to spray our crops. These chemicals then seep into the soil killing the micronutrients in the soil.
The livestock these corporations produce are sick, malnourished, and loaded with hormones and chemicals. We need to make legislation to force regenerative agriculture and farming.
We need to stop the manipulation and corruption of people like Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates from aquiring these farms and taking them away from hard working americans. Not to mention foreign countries buying our land for their own gain.
I think it would be good to have a farming category here. We need policies that help small farmers. For instance having to take an animal to usda slaughter houses to slaughter is a huge expense for small farmers ( maybe some tax deductions since taxpayers pay for USDA?). Also programs that help small farmers obtain grazing land. Subsidies for farmers who feed cows grass and keeps them on humane amounts of land like under 25 head of cattle . The numbers only make since for mega farms that poorly treat animals. I would like to see more small farmers a few in every neighborhood. So many of us want to homestead and have mini farms but it id so hard to get a leg up with the many expenses in equipment and land. Modern day minifarms care about soil conservation , rotation crops, and more because they live and work the land they manage. Please help small farms
They should also stop allowing the seed companies to sue farmers for using the seeds left over after growing food. I’ve heard that farmers are required to buy new seeds every year or else they can be sued.