Get rid of hoa

I believe that we should get rid of HOAS because to live in a nice community, you basically sign the rights of your house away. We have had our signs forcefully taken down four times already! The thought not being able to do what you want with your home is quite insane in my opinion as well. I think HOAs and there fees amount to nothing except for a headache for everyone involved. I think instead it should be a community where it is a word of mouth and trust system as that is what neighborhoods and towns are for.

I like it but think it might be too difficult to implement given the legal right of stupid people who want HOAs, I think we need there to be a real version of voting per unit in HOAs to be the means of decisions made instead of by the corrupt boards appointed, force governance by majority of owners instead of corrupt boards and management company’s more details here: Require HOA to assign voting per unit/ownership and adhere to majority vote