Ban HOA’s

Home Owners Associations are no good. Cutting regulations on where you live is paramount to personal liberty. Unspoken neighborly rules should be respected, but having a HOA is not necessary. They are a burden on individuals and on society. Less regulations, but with more personal responsibility. Everyone wants to live in peace and harmony, but HOA’s do not have to be the key to make it happen. If HOA’s are gone, basic respect for your neighbors would need to be adhered to. If you pay for your home and your property, you should be able to do what you want on it as long as it doesn’t harm others.


I like it but think it might be too difficult to implement given the right for stupid people who might want HOAs, I think we just need there to be a real version of voting per unit in HOA to be the means of decisions made instead of by the corrupt boards appointed, more details here: Require HOA to assign voting per unit/ownership and adhere to majority vote

HOA’s are just a structure setup to control your property and another money grab. No useful purpose for them other then to harass homeowners. I support this.