Food Stamps/Section 8

We need a step down and cooling off process to help families slowly get off food stamps and section 8 services.
Most families receiving the above services are “stuck” in a perpetual cycle because services are almost completely removed when families begin to receive a slightly higher income, which in turn, helps to create stagnation and generational dependence on government assistance.
These services actively suppresses families who are trying to better themselves. Why work a $15 an hour job just to slightly push past the benefit threshold to receive assistance and have everything instantly taken away!
There needs to be established thresholds that will allow families to make more income while slowly reducing assistance.
Counselors will be needed to help educate families on budgeting and ways to improve their overall situation.

A cooling off period needs to be established to keep families from giving up and becoming a return customer. However, there needs to be allowances made for families who have been laid off, become critical ill, displaced…etc.

Thank you for your consideration!!!